Trust: The New & The Broken

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"Who are you?" I ask, my body tensing a bit.

The girl in the middle flashes a giant grin and hovers her hand in front of the girl with the blue hair covering her left eye.

"This is Erin. This here is Tabii-"

"With two eyes!" Tabii pipes up, causing the last girl to roll her eyes.

"Are you sure with two eyes? Seems only one." I mutter, causing Nikki to giggle.

"And I am Sasha. We are the Flower Scouts." Sasha finishes proudly.

"Nice to meet you three," I reply smoothly. "Where are you from?"

"We are, like, from Lake Lilac!" Erin replies.

"Like, where are you from and why are you hanging out with that reject camper Nikki and dressed like that?" Sasha inquires as she narrows her eyes and begins to glare.

"You look like a cultist!" Tabii finishes, giggling.

I stiffen at the sudden stabs Sasha's trying to make at me already. I feel myself slowly disintegrate from my own happy self. Nobody should ever ask me where I'm from if I don't know them.

"First off," I begin, trying not to spit, "Where I am from isn't your business. Second of all, Nikki is NOT a reject. Here at Camp Campbell, nobody is a reject. This is our home. Third of all, what do you have against cultists?"

"Ugh, chill. Nikki is a reject no matter what you say. And Cultists are weird." Erin says. That's the last straw.

»»»»»»»»»»»»{NOBODY'S POV (3RD)}}}««««««««««

Annie's eyes turn jet black. Her pupils reappear as bright glowing white cat slits. Her teeth become razor sharp. Her head looks down where her hands are folded in her lap and smiles darkply as a shadow casts over her face, shading her eyes. She looks up at the trio of girls, grinning.

»»»»»»{{{ANNIE'S POV}}}««««««««

"Well guess what you cocain cookie sellers?" I giggle, taking in their wonderful reaction. "I'm in love with one."

The girls bolt out of the cabin, screaming and running for their lives. After watching them until I can no longer see their figures anynore, I return to my normal state. Nikki smiles slowly and begins to laugh.

"You love Daniel! You love Daniel!" Nikki teases, getting up and running outside.

~~~Time Skip To Later That Night~~~

I sit on my bed, checking to make sure that I have all the items that I will need; extra batteries, Max, myself, and David's megaphone. I have noticed how Max doesn't seem to trust me anymore, nevermind be around me. I hope that after this, he will be able to trust me again.

"Max! Psst, Max!" I whisper.

Max sits up and rubs his eyes sleepily, looking agitated.

"W-what the fuck do you want?" He responds in an annoyed tone.

"Erm...just, follow me. There's something I want to do that I think that you will enjoy." I whisper a tiny bit louder.

Max gets up and groans as he puts on his blue sweatshirt. He follows me out of the cabin door, still rubbing sleep from his tired eyes as he does so. I sneak with him to the councelor's cabin and around the back of it. I quickly and quietly peek through the window. gwen, David, and Daniel are inside of the cabin, sleeping soundly.

"Okay Max, ready?"

"Sure, whatever...."

I grab his hand and scale up the wall with no trouble.

"Okay, so I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I'm warning you. Ready?"

Max's eyes reflect his confusion. I pull out the megaphone that I already turned on to prevent the loud beeping noise when you turn one on. I then turn away from the megaphone to inhale for a second. I whip my head back to the megaphone and rip the loudest, longest, biggest, and first moan I have ever uttered from my mouth in my life. I look back at Max; his eyes and pupils have shrunken to the size of a bouncy ball each, his mouth is wide open, and his arms are out of his jacket pocket. I hear the thumping of three camp councelors falling out of bed and David's panicked whimpering.

"Oh, I'll give YOU something to moan about!" Daniel yells angrily.

I hear footsteps approaching the door and grab Max's hand. I kick off of the roof and head for the forest quickly. We arrive at the back of our cabin and I quickly yet gently toss Max through the window; he lands on his bed without getting hurt and I jump in after him. By now all the campers are awake and chatting about what the noise was about. Max and I are just laughing, laughing, and laughing.

I wake up from my beautiful sleep and throw my legs over th bed. Everyone else in this cabin seems to be awake already. Strange.

I get up and throw my sweater on over my still-white clothes and put my shoes and socks back on. I stuff my hands inside of my sweatshirt pocket and feel a crumpled piece of paper inside. I take it out and read it aloud.

----------------------------------------------Dear Annie,

| I'm sorry for tricking you again into helping |me. This won't happen again on my watch.   Sincerely,

I can't BELIEVE this guy! He thinks I will still trust HIM, even after how much he's used me? Welp, this guy has got some news coming.

I leave the cabin and stand outside in the cold air. I stand and let out a sigh, watching my breath as it clouds up. I watch the snowflakes land on the newly fallen snow. SNOW?!

I make my way into the forest for a peaceful walk in the snow. Birds are calling, singing their songs of beauty to one another and me. I reach a clearing where I can see this giant tree in all of its glory. I've heard that this tree is called the Sleepy Pine. It's a sacred tree or something. I hear footsteps from behind me and turn around. Standing there in the newly fallen snow is, yup, you guessed it, Daniel. He takes a step toward me. I take a step back.

"What do you want you fucking parasite?!" I growl in fear.

"Nothing, my dear. Were you the one who moaned last night?" He inquires.

He makes an advance.

I make a retreat.

"Leave me the fuck alone. You just use me to hurt the campers! You just try to seduce me and brainwash me!" I shout.

"Wait! That's not true, it's just that...."



Daniel's eyes grow big and he steps toward me with one hand out.



I step back without paying attention. Daniel can only watch in horror as I slip off of the cliff behind me and plummet to my unlucky fate.



Ayyyy hope yall enjoyed! Next chappy will be out soon even though sadly no one is reading this story that I put my heart into OOF. AAAAANYWAYS!

Love yall!~Feh🌌🎧🌆

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