Dawn Of The Downfall

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To my dismay, Daniel backs away from the cliff, looking away from me as he does so. I watch him put away his knife that he had hidden behind his back. He wants me dead. I close my eyes and wait for the dark shadows of death to embrace me.

»»»»»»»»{{{DANIEL POV}}}««««««

I did it. Kind of. At least now I can't be distracted by her anymore. I need to focus on what I came here to do. I walk away from the cliff and begin my trek back into the forest when an aching feeling begins to naggingly pang my heart. I ignore it and get back to camp. It's already getting late anyways.

"Hey, Daniel!" David calls over to me. "Have you seen Annie?"

My heart catches in throat. "Y-yeah, actually," I reply quickly. "I saw her taking a walk in the woods to see the scenery and whatnot. Why?"

"Oh! Well I found her bandana on the ground this morning and I wanted to give it to her. Here, you take it." David speaks, grinning from ear to ear as he hands the white bandana to me.

I take it gently like a new knife and look at it. I thank David and head into the cabin where I sit on my bed and stare at the bandana. A song plays while I hear both of our voices speaking in hushed tones. Visions of the memories we had together begin to appear in my mind, now burning into my retinas. They play out like a movie.

~Exact Song:



"I...I'm so sorry about how much of a dick I've been to you lately..." She says.

"I'm sorry for turning you without telling you what I was doing. I should've told you, but I didn't know how to ask about 'Hey, can I turn you into a demon?' question. I'm sorry for using you like a puppet, and for the bite mark on your neck." I say in return.

"It's okay. I'm getting pretty used to the demon thing now."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Daniel."

Giggles erupt from both of us like lava from an active volcano.

My eyes are filling up with tears. The bandana has ten spots from where my tears have made a crash landing. I wipe my eyes messily then grab my head. What the fuck have I done?!

I tie the bandana around my right wrist and grab my dagger. If she's in trouble I will need this. I run from the cabin, leap the fence and bolt through the woods until I arrive at the cliff. Here goes nothing. I dive off of the cliff and plummet to what I hope isn't mine and wasn't her death.

»»»»»»»»{{{???'S POV}}}«««««««««

I walk by myself in the dark nervous and on edge. To keep myself calm, I sing a little song.

"Someone's always watching me, someone's always there...When I'm sleeping he just waits, and he stares..."

I hear the loud thump of something hitting the ground and a grunt. Then I hear footsteps in my direction. I begin to panic and run into a nearby cave; the footsteps quicken until they are right behind me.

"Who's there?!" I speak quickly. "Don't try nothin'!"

Someone walks up to me and hugs me in the dark. What the actual fuck?!

"RAPE!" I scream as I kick the person in their groin, causing them to sink to their knees.

"No, wait!" The voice responds. "It's me, Daniel!"


"Ugh.....Annie, I'm sorry...." he mutters sheepishly.

I notice that his knife has fallen to the cave floor, so I grab it and hold it above him with both hands gripping tightly to the handle. My knuckles are white.

"Just do it," Daniel says quietly. "I deserve it."

I stare at him with the dagger raised above my head. I just can't bring myself to do it. Hot tears begin to stream down my cheeks. I drop the knife, which makes a loud clang that echoes off of the cave walls. I fall to my knees, cover my face with my hands, and begin to let out a thunderstorm of sobbing and tears.

"I...just.....can't....do it..." I manage to huff in between sobs.

Daniel scooches over beside me and hugs me. I feel the presence of something around my neck, and look to see my white bandana. I place my head in his lap and he begins to stroke my hair gently.

"I'm so sorry about the way I've been treating you...." Daniel says to me.

"I'm sorry too." I reply.

We sit for a moment of silence before getting up.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Daniel asks skeptically.

"Come here and I'll show you how." I reply, grinning.

I grab his hand and unveil my wings. Before he can reply we are off of the ground and into the air. We land safely on the ground and we begin our way back to camp when he turns me around. And kisses me. I kiss back, my words of any protest of the campers seeing this melt away like Lindts chocolate on the tip of my tongue.


Hope yall enjoyed! Next chappy in progress! More snow on the way for me! And if wattpad is taken down because of the net neutrality thing then I just want to say I love you all so deeply much. Anyways, see you on the flip side....hopefully....

Love yall!~Feh🌌🎧🌆

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