Chapter 39
"happy birthday!" I said happily.
"shut up" Jeff grunted and walked out of the room.
"you know im trying to be nice" I yelled after him.
He's so rude. Why can't he just try and be nice for once. i will never understand him ever. I grabbed my knife and walked out of the front door into the sun. For being winter it is pretty warm. Wow i haven't gone on a hunt in weeks. I mean between getting kidnapped and jeff acting a sweet guy sometimes and a asshole others I have been busy. I looked down at my phone 2:47 I still has till 4 for Jeff's party. For sure i had time to hunt.
I wondered around the streets untill i came to a house. The outside was painted red, the door green and the roof well it looked almost blue. What a odd house? I needto get inside. I mean I would kill to get in. I laugh at my own joke and make my way to the back of the house. i see a window about ten feet up. At only 5'2 i was not even close to the window. Well guess i will have to climb it. I start to climb up the side of the house the siding keeps falling off reveling old bricks. Jesus this house must be at lest one hundred years old. As i reach the window my foot slips and i fall to the ground. I feel the pain explode in my arm. Okay this will be harder then it looks. I run to the side f the house and find a door leading to the basement. Really i just now see that. god i am dumb. I pick the lock one the door and easemy way into the dark basement and spot stairs leading up.

The fire that burns inside (jeff the killer)
HorrorJeff the killer going from the time of the accident to now growing up and learning who he and charley really are. Why slendy has helped them and why they are brought together.