3; Welcome to Daejeon

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After a few hours of riding,he finally came to his destination.

His business headman Do Kyungsoo sent him an address of the hotel and the name of his co-worker.

'Go to the hotel '3.6.5.'.Tell your name to the receptionist and he will give you the keys of your room.Remember,your co-worker is called Park Chanyeol.Don't mess up.He doesn't like when people don't get his name right.Enjoy!'

Yeah he will.

He likes Daejeon.It wasn't prettier than Seoul-his hometown,but again this city had amazing street lights,huge buildings and interesting stores.

He was desperate to go and just shower.He was tired of the whole trip,but at least he isn't home anymore.


When he arrived,a tall handsome man walked up to him.

"Hi!You must be Kim Jongdae." tall man smiled and bowed.

"Oh hi,yes.I'm Kim Jongdae", he did a quick bow.

"I'm Kim Jongin,but you can call me Kai.Welcome to Daejeon.I hope you had a safe trip".

Jongdae got confused for a second.He thought that he should meet up with Park Chanyeol.Anyway,he was surprised how welcoming this young man was.

"Nice to meet you.Thank you,this city is really amazing" Jongdae's lips formed in cat alike shape.

"But not as amazing as Seoul is.Oh!There is our star of the day right there," Kai pointed to an even taller man behind him.

"It's not nice to point at people mister Jongin" tall man with big ears hissed.

"Sorry Chan ㅋㅋㅋ.Here is our exchange for mister Zhang Yixing who couldn't attend our meetings." Kai turned to Jongdae.

Chanyeol bowed and looked at Jongdae carefully.He put an index finger on his lips.

"You're Kim Jongdae right?I'm Park Chanyeol.You can call me Chanyeol,without 'mister',just get my name right and we should be good" he winked.

Jongdae bowed back and smiled softly, "Yes i am.Nice to meet you".

"Are you flirting with your colleagues again?" Jongdae heard a voice behind him and saw a small man with flawless skin and makeup.

"Baekhyunee,didn't i told you to wait for me in a meeting room?",Chanyeol asked.

"I waited for too long.So i came here to see what's up.Hi,I'm Byun Baekhyun.Welcome to our hotel" Baekhyun bowed.

"Hi,I'm Kim Jongdae.Thank you for having me here", Jondae bowed.

"I see why you're flirting with this cat boy.He's cute.Treat him right Chan" Baekhyun laughed.

"Don't worry Baekhyun,he is in good hands.Jongdae,your room is 2199,here is your key.Our meetings are every day at 8am except on weekends.You're free today since it's Sunday,but please be on time on our dinner nights.
You will get your schedule in your room" Chanyeol said.

"Alright,got it.Thank you.See you tomorrow at 8 in the meeting room then?" Jongdae asked.

"Exactly.See you tomorrow", Chanyeol bowed.

"Bye Jongdae!" Kai yelled.

"Bye", Jongdae smiled and went to his room.

"Ah,finally" he whined and threw himself on his bed.

Room was quite big,green colors were dominant.Big bathroom with bath tub, shower cabin,two sinks and toilets.Bed was king sized with huge pillows and tables on each side with big pretty lamps.

A couch on the other side of the room,with TV and a work table,small kitchen for making small but nice meals and a dining table with two chairs.

Whole room looked like a romantic space for lovers.For anniversaries,vacations or honeymoons.

Then he remembered his weeding.How everything would be perfect if Joohyun just didn't exist.Or if he didn't exist.

But he decided to forget about all that for now.He just wanted to relax in his alone time while he could,and take a cold shower.
Hello lovelies👋🏼
Here's another part lmao.I hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing it.NOW LET'S MEET OUR MAID SHALL WE? ;D
See ya in the next part,until then; stay happy and spread Xiuchen love!💗

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