16; Lights out

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Minseok looked at Jongdae's eyes "You are so scared".

"I'm just excited,not scared",younger tried to cover up his fear,but he honestly couldn't.Minseok intertwined fingers with Jongdae's, while kissing his soft swollen pink lips.

After, he moved to smaller's neck and left a few dark hickeys,hearing a heavy breathing from a figure below him.

"First of all",Minseok got up and went to Jongdae's closet to search for a pair of t-shirts and sleeping pants, "I won't make love to you tonight"

He gave one white shirt and black sleeping pants to Jongdae who was clearly surprised at his words,and took a black shirt and red pants for himself.

"Because I want you to feel ready and I want to make everything romantic and special",Minseok took off his work shirt completely showing his perfect stomach to a man in front of him,and putting the other one on.

Jongdae's eyes couldn't look away and he quickly bit his lip to get his mind off of older's body.

"I saw that my love",Minseok said after putting his pants on.

"Don't you dare to blame me",Jongdae said and did the same thing as Minseok.

When they got dressed,they turned the lights off and laid beside each other in Jongdae's king sized bed.

"So you just want to sleep with me?And not like...'sleep' with me?",Jongdae asked and looked at Minseok's eyes in a quite dark room.

"I'm not as horny as you think I am.I just want to kiss you and cuddle with you the whole night.Is it weird for you?",Minseok kissed Jongdae's cheek hearing a soft giggle from another.

"No,it sounds perfect".

* * *

And that is what they did for the past 2 hours now.Minseok was over Jongdae's head,kissing his lips and caressing soft,milky cheeks.

He didn't feel this good for a long time,especially because his ex boyfriend was always off and emotionless.

Minseok started kissing every part of Jongdae's face and neck which made smaller guy to laugh.

"Minseok...that tickles...",Jongdae giggled and moved his hand through Minseok's hair.

"Do you want to sleep?You have a meeting tomorrow..."

"Meeting is at 11am,I don't want to sleep right now..",Jongdae looked at Minseok.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to ask you some questions,and I want to talk with you.If you don't mind of course",Jongdae sat up in his bed and took Minseok's hand.

"Of course,you can ask me anything",older said and kissed smaller's forehead.

Jongdae closed his eyes and sighed, "First of all that"


"You do things to me from the first day and I am loosing my mind but",Jongdae stopped and opened his eyes again.

"But what?Don't hesitate please.We are honest to each other now",Minseok said and turned on the lamp on a night table so he could see Jongdae's face better.

"But you know what my situation is,and what do you even think about it?We are clearly something now and if you think that we should just pretend like we've never met after I go back to Seoul...I'm not sure that I can do that",he looked at Minseok with a worried expression.

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