8; "I am not jealous"

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Baekhyun quickly walked out of the restaurant to look for Minseok.He felt like he went too far with this whole 'Suho and Jongdae' thing.He should've kept his mouth shut.

"Sorry Lu I gotta go.." Minseok said when he saw Baekhyun walking in his direction.

He hung up and put his phone in his pocket blankly staring at his best friend.

"Minseok,what w-..."

"What are you trying to do, Baekhyun?Are you trying to test my emotions?To tease me?" Minseok wasn't very angry,just hurt.He didn't understand what Baekhyun wanted to do.

"What did I even say?And why are you so pissed off because of Suho?Is it because he is flirting with Jongdae or what?",Baekhyun asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Why would I even-" Minseok got nervous, "Do you see what you're doing?You are trying to make me look like I'm jealous!Which I'm not,Baekhyun" Minseok hissed.

"Yeah i see.Few cute words from Suho's mouth towards Jongdae,and you see Minseok running out of the restaurant all furious" Baekhyun shook his head.

"Baekhyun,I'm warning you.I have a B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D,i am not jealous.I don't have any reason to be.I'm happy with Luhan.It's not my problem that you hate him" Minseok yelled.

"And as a best friend,I'm begging you to stop trying to ruin my relationship just because you don't like someone I love and care about" Minseok felt tears of mixed feelings.

"Minseok please don't-.." Baekhyun got serious and worried.The sight of disappointed Minseok terrified him.His best friend who was always so happy and positive became so desperate and sad.

Luhan was far away from Minseok's home too often, which made their relationship and Minseok's trust really unstable.

And instead of supporting his best friend and comforting him,Baekhyun was teasing him and making him feel bad about Luhan even more.

"I would never do such things to you because I'm happy that you're happy" Minseok said and shrugged his shoulders "And I'm very sad that you're not happy for me."

Baekhyun froze.He was embarrassed because of all the things that hurt Minseok.He should've supported Minseok's happiness,but he acted like a bitch.

But again,why would Minseok be so touched because of Suho's and Jongdae's flirting if he doesn't have any emotions towards Jongdae?

That was confusing to Baekhyun.But he didn't want to say anything,because that would just add more salt to Minseok's wound.

"I'm...I'm sorry Minseok.I'm sorry for being so childish and selfish i-.."

"Hey,what's up?Are you okay Minseok?" Baekhyun and Minseok turned around to look at the worried face of Jongdae.He slowly walked towards them playing with the button on his jacket.

"I'm fine Jongdae,thank you.I just had an important call.Now excuse me,but i have to go home" Minseok bowed "Tell Chanyeol that i had to leave" he looked at Baekhyun who was blushing from embarrassment.

"But...Dinner just started-.." Jongdae said with a soft voice.

"I have to go.I have more important stuff to do.Enjoy your night and send my greetings to Suho.I look forward to talking to him again.Bye Jongdae" Minseok forced a fake smile then turned to Baekhyun.

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