YoUr FiRsT kIsS tOgEtHeR

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/ / EDWIN / / 

The first kiss that you shared with Edwin seemed needy and rushed on both parts. You were both chilling in Edwin's bedroom. You both could feel the connection ever since you had met so it almost felt like second nature when it finally happened. Although the kiss has rushed and in the spur of the moment, it did not mean that it had any less meaning because you felt like that was one kiss that a someone could only dream of.

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/ / AUSTIN / / 

When you and Austin first kissed it was kind of a scapegoat to shut up his rambling. It was an awkward kind of kiss that the two of you shared but it was cute none the less. You could still remember what had happened. It was a chilled out Friday night and you were chilling in your apartment. You had put a movie on the television and soon enough Austin just started to ramble on about how he felt about you. It was really cute but you could tell that Austin was struggling so you just tossed out all the rules and kissed him bang on the mouth.

 It was really cute but you could tell that Austin was struggling so you just tossed out all the rules and kissed him bang on the mouth

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 / / BRANDON / /

It was at the end of your first date with Brandon and everything was going swell. He was a complete gentleman the whole night, meaning he was your dream man. It edged towards the end of the night and it soon came to the point where he was walking you up your driveway. You so badly wanted to kiss him, you wanted to feel what his nice lips felt against your own. As the door was edging closer Brandon stops and spins you around he pulls you closer and soon the lips you wished to touch the whole night were attached to yours. This small kiss sent your universe into meltdown for a second. When he soon detached his lips from yours you internally whined but soon enough you both simultaneously smiled widely at each other.

/ / NICK / /

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/ / NICK / /

You and Nick had known each other for a while and were somewhat friends. You could tell that something would happen between the two of you. Nick and you had this kind of flirtatious chemistry that could not be denied. Your first kiss with Nick took place at a house party. The both of you were throwing out flirtatious banter. You guys were kind of chilling in your own little corner of the party where no one really was. You both were standing there chatting before Nick leans his arm against the wall basically towering over you. He uttered a few very significant words 'I really want to kiss you". That was all he said but soon enough a smirk was put on his face and a small giggle escaped your lips. With a slight nod, Nick leaned down towards you and connected his lips with yours to create an amazing sensation unfold right before your very eyes.

/ / ZION / /

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/ / ZION / /

The first kiss you ever shared with Zion was unimaginably breathtaking. You were walking back to your apartment when zion stopped you at the front door. He looked deeply into your eyes as if he was reading a letter that contained one of the most precious things in the world. Zion's left hand lay on your hip and stayed there whereas his hand migrated to your cheek to caress it. the moment was stunning and definitely unforgettable, Zion's face grew closer and closer to yours before finally, your lips touched his plump ones in a marvelous moment that can only be shared once. Zion definitely made it a stand-alone moment.

 Zion definitely made it a stand-alone moment

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