cLiNgY ; z.k

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Requested sleepless_socialite 

Concept; Zion is super clingy

Enjoy xx

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I wake from my deep slumber to my boyfriend Zion cuddling and nuzzling his face deep into the crook of my neck.

"morning Z" I simply greet with a croaky morning voice

"good morning beautiful" he replies in a deep voice while littering my shoulder with soft kisses

I move my body trying my best to escape from Zion's grip which locked me to him. "stay" he whined, I shake my head and attempt to get up to start my day. The attempt had no impact and I was still pressed against his warm body.

"Don't you want to wake up? It's such a beautiful day outside" but his answer with a simple shake of his head and a cheeky grin grows on his face that warms my heart. "Well, it sucks to be you because this girl is waking up" I state again making another attempt to leave his captivity.

"Not on my watch" Zion states with an adorable smile while snuggling into me more if that was even possible.

Zion proceeded to lift the crisp white sheet of the duvet over our heads to provide an additional type of warmth from the breeze of the winter months flow through the window although the bright light of the sun creeps into sight. "Are you aware that you are the clingiest person I know?" I whispered barely audibly as a small smile grows on my face and from Zion's face you could tell that he heard.

"I better be, y'know I try my best to keep that title" With an obvious roll of my eyes I turn over to face him with a simple kiss on the nose. His calming grip loosens and this is where I escape his arms and run to the kitchen with Z on my heels and a playful game ensues.

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Quick A/N

I apologise that this took forever to be published but I hated every draft I made. I might re-write this later on in the future but for now, this will do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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