YoU gEt jEaLoUs

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// AUSTIN //

You were really insecure about losing Austin to someone 'better'. So you find yourself becoming jealous of other girls often. Although you trust Austin with your whole heart, seeing other girls becoming cozy with him ticked you off pretty badly. The way your mind seemed handled these situations was to instantly become clingy. Austin instantly knew when your mood shifted he would always find a way to put your insecurities to ease. He would always kiss your cheek or the top of your head to reassure you that you were his one and only.


You always seem to have an off day when Brandon decides that he wants to go a party and you reluctantly always tag along. These nights you often regret, you can always sense a lot of attention is directed to your boyfriend by the female eyes of the room. Then one brave enough starts to flirt with Brandon; your sassy side comes out. You usually just crack out some sarcastic one-liners that the group usually laugh at but in your mind, you were trying to distract yourself from saying something completely bitchy to the mystery party girl.

// EDWIN //

When your jealousy comes out around Edwin you usually give him the cold shoulder or ignore him in general. This seems to drive him mad seeing as he hates it when you show him less attention. Your jealousy shows when some girl comes around and starts to flirt with Edwin while your standing right there. He knew exactly what sets you off so he normally ignores said person but when he feels like he needs to be petty he just winds you up.

// NICK //

When you find that your bright and bubbly attitude has faded away and jealousy has taken over you often see that you showing a lot of affection towards your boyfriend Nick. You were never one to show a lot of PDA. When you felt your coolness drip away and your insecurities show you usual snake your hands around nicks waist or hop on your tip toes to give him a peck on the cheek to reassure him and yourself that he was there for you.

// ZION //

The relationship you share with Zion was super chill. Jealousy did not occur often but when it came out to play you would usual brush off every word the girl would say to you. You weren't bitchy but it was just a bad habit. You almost always would always roll your eyes at the things this girl was saying. "Babe, your eyes will fall out if you do it enough" Zion almost always says when it occurs.


Much love
emilia xx

edit: lmao i thought i published this but didn't so here we are

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