"I kNeW i LoVeD (y/N) WhEn..."

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/ / AUSTIN / /

Austin knew that he truly loved you when he started to put you over everything else. The relationship that the two of you shared was like no other that he had ever had. People would always tell him that having a girlfriend was a big distraction from his career but he knew that there would never be anyone that he loved more than you.

/ /BRANDON / /

There was no distinct moment that stuck out to Brandon as to when he realized he loved you, rather a bundled up feeling that he had been holding in over the many months that you two shared together. He would often tell his friends that he felt so different around you or that he felt complete. Brandon just was in love with you and there was no way of denying it.

/ / EDWIN / /

Edwin's shock realization of his love for you was when he saw you cry for the first time. This was no silly cry that you usually did when you watched Marley and me or hear an Ed Sheeran song about love, it was a true cry of sadness and from the moment he saw you he knew that he loved you because he never again wanted to see you in such an emotional state.

/ / NICK / /

Nick knew that he loved you when he kept on catching himself watching you watch the movie rather than watching the movie himself. He noticed little things that you did and how much he admired them or the traits that you have that no other he had ever met had. Whenever you would catch him in these moments you would just giggle it off and from those precious times, his love for you grew.

/ / ZION / /

Zion was first to profess his love for you in your relationship but you felt the exact same but just couldn't quite put your feelings into words. Zion thrived off your positive vibes and hilarious humor which caused many laughs over the relationship. When he really thought about it he fell in love with every little bit of your personality and all the cute quirks you rocked. So the moment he actually realized that he was madly in love with the person in front of him was when you laughed so hard you cried while sitting on the sofa at 3 am.

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