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[Setting: At a free-range animal park. It was late in the afternoon, and the sun shined brightly. CODY and QUINN were sitting under a canopy as they watched the peacocks wander about the place.]

CODY: It's beautiful. (Looks at the bird that had walked close to them to pick up the feed they'd been pouring on the ground.)

QUINN: (Smiles.) Yeah.

[QUINN let himself look at CODY. The smaller boy seemed to be enjoying himself, and that made QUINN happy. After a while of them just sitting down they got up to walk around. When evening drew close the two boys left the small park, and started heading home.]

QUINN: (To CODY.) How was it?

CODY: (Smiles.) Great.

QUINN: I'm happy to hear that. (Reaches out for CODY's hand.) Can I hold your hand? No one really uses this path, don't worry.

CODY: (Stares down at QUINN's dark hand before reaching out to hold it.)

QUINN: (Smiles as they continued to head on their way home.)

[CODY could feel his face flush. QUINN's larger hand was warm and firm, and it made his smaller hand feel safe. QUINN didn't let go of his hand even when they got to a more crowded area, but CODY didn't ask for him to let go of it.]

QUINN: We should get something to eat at the convenience store, how's that?

CODY: (Nods.) Sound's good.

QUINN: (Stops at the door of the store, leaving CODY outside.) I'll be back.

CODY: Okay.

QUINN: (Comes out of the store after a while.) Here. (Tosses bottle of soft drink to CODY.)

CODY: (Catches the bottle before making to open it.) Thank you.

QUINN: (Smiles.)

QUINN and CODY: (Head over to the stairs at the back of the store to sit down.)

[The two drank quietly, and they didn't say anything to each other as the watched the sun begin to set from their seats on the concrete staircase.]

QUINN: You're smiling.

CODY: (Turns to QUINN as he holds on to his cheeks.) Yeah.

QUINN: (Smiles.) I love it when you smile — when you seem happy.

CODY: (Looks away from QUINN, a bit overwhelmed by his words.)

QUINN: Am I overdoing it?

CODY: What? (Looks at QUINN.)

QUINN: The flirting thing. Am I coming off too strong?

CODY: (Doesn't say anything.)

QUINN: I'm sorry, I just really like you, and I'm nervous. When I'm nervous I talk a lot.

CODY: (Chuckles a bit.) It's okay.

QUINN: Are you sure? (Cocks head to the side to look at CODY.)

CODY: (Runs a hand through his hair.) Yeah.

QUINN: (Sighs in relief.) Okay.


QUINN: I'm new to this dating thing if you couldn't tell. (Lets out a low laugh.)

CODY: (Laughs.)


QUINN: Why did you say yes to going on a date with me? I'm sorry. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I was just wondering...

CODY: I like you.

QUINN: (Blinks in surprise.) Oh.


QUINN: I like you a lot, I guess you already know that. (Laughs a little.)

CODY: I thought I was going to burst when you asked me. (Looks over at QUINN with a smile.) I really like you, and I didn't think you liked me... (Laughs as he looked away.) I mean look at me—

QUINN: What do you mean? (Reaches out to touch CODY's hair.) You're very pretty. Is that weird to say? I don't think you're handsome — pretty, just very pretty.

CODY: I don't think that makes sense. (Laughs.)

QUINN: Neither do I.

[The boys laughed, and somehow, they were sitting much closer - the space between them on the stairs gone. They were holding hands now, both watching the sunset.]


CODY: (Turns to face QUINN.)

QUINN: Would it be too much if I asked for a kiss?

CODY: (Shakes his head.) No, not at all.

[CODY could feel his heart beating faster as the larger boy cupped his cheek with his hand, bringing his face forward. The kiss was light — almost nonexistent.]

QUINN: Is it okay if I want to do it again—


QUINN: For longer?

CODY: (Laughs.) Yes. (Reaches out for QUINN's face before moving his lips against his.)

QUINN: (Hums.)

[The boys continued to kiss on the stairs, holding on to each other as the sunset. None of them had ever felt the way they felt that evening before - the want for another person's touch — a specific person's touch.]

Curtains fall.

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