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[Setting: The one bathroom shared by CODY, CHARLES, and his mother. It was quiet aside from the dripping noise from the leaking sink. CODY was sitting by the door, his face in his hands as he sobbed silently. He'd been locked in the bathroom for the past two hours, and he was starting to feel the effects of being enclosed in the small smelly space.]

CODY: (Looks up at the sound of the doorbell ringing.)

CODY: (Presses his ear against the bathroom door when he hears the sound of CHARLES' walk passed it with quick strides.)

[CODY could feel his heart beating against his ribcage as he strained his ears to listen in. He can hear CHARLES opening the door, and he tried to steady his breathing since he had an idea who was behind it.]

—In the distance.

CHARLES: (Groaning.) Oh, it's you again.

CODY: (Whispers to himself as his eyes widened in interest.) QUINN?

[And soon enough CODY heard QUINN's smooth deep voice respond to CHARLES' words.]

QUINN: Yes, it's me again — Where's CODY? He's supposed to have come over to my place.

CHARLES: He's not coming.

QUINN: (His voice curious.) What? Why not? We made plans for this since last week.

—In the distance.

[The beating of CODY's heart was making it hard to concentrate on the faint conversation.]

CODY: (Sighs before closing his eyes when their voices grew faint.) Come on... (Tries to place ear against the door at a position he'd hear better.)

—In the distance.

CHARLES: Has CODY ever mentioned our dad?

QUINN: No — I was asking about CODY why are you bringing that up?

CHARLES: (Whistles.) You need to know something important.

CODY: (Under his breath.) No, don't... (Beginning to tremble as his eyes clouded with tears.)

[CODY only felt more disturbed when he couldn't hear anything at all anymore. CHARLES must have taken QUINN out of the house. He could feel his heart racing, and he could feel sweat build up under his shirt as he wondered how much CHARLES was telling QUINN — how much lies he was adding to the already worn out accusation.]

CODY: (Pulls knees to his chest.) Why? (His voice echoes in the room as the sink continued to leak.)

CODY: (Cries.) What did I do to deserve this?

[CODY stared at the drug cabinet just above the sink. It was tempting to just get up and put one, two, three — multiple pills into his system and just give up the ghost, but he was too tired to think of that now — What was the use? He was already walking corpse. He didn't know what living felt like. He'd just been existing.]

CODY: (Fidgets with his fingers as he waits, unsure of what was going on behind closed doors.)

[QUINN wasn't an idiot. He didn't expect him to outright believe CHARLES, but CODY still felt exhausted, scared and worried.]

CODY: (Closes his eyes as he tries not to think.)

CODY: Please hurry.

[And with those words he escaped into his mind, hoping that everything would be alright.]

Curtains fall.

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