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[Setting: CODY is in the room he shared with CHARLES, packing up the little belongings he has into a small bag. He'd graduated just yesterday, and now the reality seems to have washed over him. It's late in the evening, and he was squinting under the red light of the only bulb in the room as he tried to get his things from under the bed.]

CODY: (Talking to self.) I think that's about it. (Pats black backpack as he smiles a little.)

[He was planning to head over to QUINN's place. QUINN's parents had pulled him aside a week ago telling him it was okay to stay at their place until he figured this out.]

CODY: (Smiles.) I'm going to leave this place. (Let's out a small laugh — it's a happy one.)

CODY: (Hums a bot as he looks under the bed again to see if there was anything left.)

CHARLES: (Walks in.)

CHARLES: What are you doing?

CODY: (Tenses before sitting up on the floor and looking over at his brother.)

CODY: I'm packing my things.

CHARLES: (Walking over to him before taking a sit on the only bed in the room. It was a twin sized one that CHARLES used, while CODY slept on the floor.)

CHARLES: Why? Where are you going? You have nowhere to go.

CODY: (Bites his bottom lip.)

CODY: (Zips his bag before getting up.) I'm leaving. (Stares directly at CHARLES.)

[The room is silent for a while, with the two boys watching each other with unmoving gazes. CODY is frowning, but his hands are shaking, and he's scared. His eyes then dart to the door behind CHARLES.]

CHARLES: (Blocks his way.) Is that so? (Laughs.)

CHARLES: You're not going anywhere.

CODY: (Tries to walk past CHARLES but gets pushed back.) What is your problem? You wanted me to leave after graduation, and that's what I'm doing, let me go!

CHARLES: So, you can meet that QUINN boy? Not a chance. (Grabs CODY by the arms.)

CHARLES: You don't deserve happiness. You piece of shit. I'm not letting you leave to be better off while my mother and I rot here because of you — your mother. (Drags CODY out of the room before pushing him into the small bathroom in the hallway.)

CHARLES: My mum's working all night today, so scream as much as you want, no one's going to hear you.

CODY: Why—

CHARLES: (Cutting CODY off.) shut up. (Shuts the door.)

CODY: (Stares at the door until his eyes get blurred with unshed tears.)

CODY: (Drops to the ground, holding on to his face as he beings to sob.)

[Will QUINN worry? He wondered, trying to control his tears.]

[Even if QUINN worried and came over, would CHARLES let him in? Would CHARLES lie about his whereabouts, or tell him lies about his step father's death? CODY didn't know.]

CODY: God damn it! (Grabs his hair in frustration.)

[CODY feels the tears make his way down his cheeks. He sits by the dirty tiled wall, looking up at the leaking sink — his vision blurred.]

Curtains fall.

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