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[Setting: CODY is standing at the front door of QUINN's home. The hallway was noisy, seeing as it was still the weekend, and the noise from each apartment slipped through the spaces on from the bad doors.]

[CODY had run all the way to QUINN's place without a second thought after the incident with his brother, but now he was facing the door he wasn't sure if he should knock. He didn't want to be a bother.]

JANET: Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm just — CODY? (Janet stares at the boy outside the house after she opens the door.) What happened? You look like a mess.

CODY: (Opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.)

JANET: Should I get QUINN?

CODY: (Stares at her before looking down at the door.) Yes.

JANET: (Smiles at CODY before heading back into the apartment.)

[In a few minutes CODY could see QUINN, and soon enough the taller boy was hugging him.]

JANET: I have to head out, I'll leave you two lovebirds to it.

CODY and QUINN: (Stays silent as QUINN's sister leaves.)

QUINN: What happened?

CODY: (Stays quiet.)

QUINN: You don't want to talk about it?

CODY: (Nods into QUINN's shoulder.) yeah...

QUINN: (Sighs as he hugs CODY even more tightly.) It doesn't matter. Tell me when you're ready. I'm always here for you, you know that, right?

CODY: (Nods into QUINN's shoulder.)

QUINN: (Pulls away from CODY.) Come on, let's head inside. (Smiles.)

CODY: (Gives QUINN a small smile before following the boy into his apartment.)

[QUINN's mother greeted them, but she didn't turn away from the pot of food she was attending too. QUINN took the opportunity to lead CODY to his room, not wanting his mother to make a fuss of CODY's state. The boy's eyes were red from crying, and he looked tired.]

QUINN: (Heads to sit on his bed.) Okay, what do you want to do? We could watch something on my phone, or we could talk—

[There was silence as CODY rushed up to QUINN, catching the boy off guard by hugging him.]

CODY: Thank you.

QUINN: For what?

CODY: Thank you. (he repeats.)

[Where can I start? 'Thank you for liking me'? 'Thank you for reaching out to me when all I wanted to do was fade away'? CODY thought to himself. He wasn't sure how to put his thanks into words, so he just stayed silent right after.]

QUINN: (Sighs as he let his hands wrap around his boyfriend.)


CODY: I'm scared.


CODY: (Stays quiet.)



CODY: I love you.

QUINN: I love you too.

[They were quiet, both hugging each other until QUINN pulled CODY away so that the boy could sit on the bed beside him. He smiled at CODY, moving to take the boys face in his hands before kissing him.]

QUINN: (Pulls away from the kiss.) You're scared because you love me?

CODY: Yes—No. I just—I don't want us to break up and—I just want to be happy.

QUINN: I really love you, nothing like that will happen. I promise, okay?

CODY: (Nods before making to hug QUINN again.)

[The two boys ended up taking a nap on QUINN's bed, holding on to each other as evening drew near. CODY woke up before QUINN, and just took the time to stare at him — the person who made his heart dance — the person who was offering him a chance at happiness.]

CODY: I love you. (presses his lips against QUINN's hair before pulling away.)

[It was true. CODY did love QUINN very much.]

Curtains fall.

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