|2| No time like the present

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(Y/N)'s pov-

Where was it.
I could have sworn-- I put that bloody bag in here.

I thought to myself as I rummaged through a rather large pearly white chest that was made from a giant clam I had killed when I was younger.



You're probably wondering who I am. Weeeell.... my name is (y/n) and guess what? I'm a zora. More specifically, I am a white zora, my scales are very smooth and they make a great reflective surface when it comes to light.

I'll tell ya, it's fun to shine.


I can just flat out stand in the sun and ask someone to look at me and next thing I know- they're on the ground covering their eyes.

How do I know this?

Weeeelllll you see.....

I have a very gullible friend I've known since I began my life. How you ask? Well it's natural for the daughter of the captain of the royal guard to be acquainted to the boy she will one day protect.

Well. I'll tell you one thing.

There wasn't enough electric lizardos to shock me dead in this world to get me to follow that family tradition.

You see. I don't like being pent up here, in the zora domain. It's boring and kinda uneventful.

So what's my solution?



Well. Enough about that. I was looking for my bag. Ah! There it is.

I pulled the bag from the chest and gazed at the worn material, patched and fixed at the bottom with new leather by yours truly. I remember when I got this...... it was 20 years ago.....

I shook my head.


That story is for another time when I am not so busy escaping from the zora domain.

As I was getting my bag situated on the my shoulder, I heard the voice I did NOT want to hear right now.

"(Childish nickname)-"

I inwardly groaned as I felt his eyes gaze at the rather large sword on my back and the satchel situated to lean on my left hip. I knew this would happen! I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear him coming up behind me! Uuuugggghhhh!!!

I let out a long sigh as I hung my head, my white fins falling next to my face. I dramatically dragged my scaly white hands over my eyes and cheeks before turning to look at the one and only owner of the voice I didn't want to hear.

"Your highness. Excuse me- Sidon. You're not stopping me. Not this time."

"But (y/n)? Why are you going to leave? How will I survive without you!?? You can't leave!!"

Sidon threw his arms around me in a last attempt to keep me in the castle for however long he needed to convince me to stay.

It was a bit useless.....

1. Because I'm stronger than him.

2. Because I was already out of his arms.

He knew it was futile, I could see it in his golden eyes as he looked at me sadly for rejecting, as he so kindly put it multiple times before, his hug.

I let out a sigh as I patted his shoulder and turned to leave.

"So you're really going... well. I guess this is good bye. For now, ok? Don't die while you're out there! I believe in you, (c/nn)!! Please come back soon..."

I heard his last words in a whisper as my blindingly white body launched off the waterfall and swam away. My body a blur in the clear dark waters.

(Sidon's pov)

She's really gone...

That was the last time I saw her... that was the last time I saw her before my dear sister was sent to fight the great calamity....

Ayaaaa!!! I am so sorry! I don't mean to lose track of the story but I hope this makes things better!

Anyway! Ciao, loves!

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