|6| Be serious

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Ok. That was mean of me. Anyway this is the actual chapter and I hope you guys enjoy and hopefully it makes up for my weirdness. XD Ciao, loves~.


~× No one's POV ×~

The seasons passed as the day (y/n) had promised to stay in the zora's domain grew to be nothing more than a fleeting memory of the past. The knight's promise well kept as she remained in the safety of her home she had departed from long ago.

The white scaled woman sat down under a waterfall in the reserve, her form battered by the rushing current. Though most would have been discouraged to follow her path, she remained. She didn't seem to mind at all. The rock she perched herself on was smooth and seemed to dip in slightly, holding the tall zora comfortably as she sat.

The tell tale (e/c) orbs of the warrior whom had been known throughout hyrule fluttered open as the sound of rocks sliding into the water reached her ears. Her gaze sharp as she peered forward, looking for the source. Her gaze softening the moment she found the reason for the sudden disturbance.

The prince stood at the edge of the water, his stance frozen the moment his golden pools had seen hers open. His expression ever so faintly fearful before he sighed in relief. He looked ridiculous.

His arms frozen in place from the obvious attempt at being sneaky. His leg up as if he were about to take another step but had been caught. It was adorable to the female. The male beginning to blush profusely as her for rumbled with unheard laughter due to the rushing water surrounding her, the sounds canceling out her amused sounds.

It didn't take long for her to stand and dive into the water around her, his form still frozen in the same position as the streak of white scales sped towards him. The female zora at the bank in minutes as she jumped from the water and landed a few feet from the heir. Her eyes holding amusement as she pushed the red bodied zora with a finger towards the water. Her laughter filling the air as he fell from the shore and face first into the water.

Sido glared at the female in embarrassment. His eyes hurt as he fummed, his tall form emerging from the water as he stomped back towards (y/n). His gaze softening the moment he heard her laughter, the female holding her sides as they began to hurt from the force. Sidon sighed in adoration before he pulled her into a gentle embrace. The sudden contact causing her to immediately cease her previous actions before she smiled. Her arms looping around the prince as she hummed in acknowledgment.

"And to what pleasure do I owe for such a comical entrance, your highness? Did you wish to tell me something of importance or were you planning to stalk me once again?"

Sidon's face erupted in a crimson hue before he placed his chin on her shoulder, his hand running over her head fin, the appendage swaying in a calm manner. He chuckled softly in embarrassment before he nodded slowly.

"Ah. You've caught me, love. I apologize for the intrusion but I had to ask while the courage to do so lasted."

"And to do what, if I may ask?"

"To ask you this."

With those words, the prince released the female as he knelt down and placed himself on one knee as he pulled out a box from seemingly out of nowhere. Whereas in truth, he had it in his hands the entire time. He seemed to grow flustered as he closed his eyes and exhaled softly. His golden gaze fluttering up to look at the towering (e/c) orbed zora. A soft reassuring smile gracing his lips as he opened his mouth.

"(Y/c) (l/n). Beloved royal knight of the zora domain and treasured friend. My friend and my love. On this day, I present to you this ring, crafted by whom I hope you will accept as yours truly until the ends of time for however long we may live. My love and my guardian. My shining star and ruler of my heart. The puppeteer whom dances across my heart strings day in and day out. On this day, I ask of you to accept this token of my love, though it may never outshine your eyes. For they put the stars that stand above us to shame when you laugh. I ask you, (y/n). Will you marry me?"

The prince stated, his hands opening the velvet box to reveal a silver ring with three sapphires. The band twisting like ivy as it sat in the velvet box.

The female stood in shock as she stared at the glittering ring, her eyes leaving the ring to look at the prince

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The female stood in shock as she stared at the glittering ring, her eyes leaving the ring to look at the prince. Her walls seeming to crumble as she felt her knees grow weak, her hand over her mouth as a gentle nod of her head said what her words betrayed her of. Tears polling at her eyes as they began to fall down her pearly scales.

Sidon's face erupted into an enormous grin. His eyes glistening as he placed the ring on her left ring finger, his hands still clutching hers before he opened his arms. Without a moment's hesitation, (Y/n) launched her body into the slightly taller zora's arms, her hands making their way to caress the soft scales of Sidon's cheeks before she gently crashed her own lips to the prince's. His eyes widened in surprise before he kissed back, his hands resting comfortably on the small of her back.

~× THE END ×~

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