|4| Stay.

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Guess who's back~! Haha time to finally update this once again. Enjoy~~~!!!

When Sidon awoke, hours had passed by and in that time he now found himself in his bed in the palace, a headache ringing through his head as he put a scaled hand to it, he felt cloth wrapped professionally around it.


He didn't remember being hit in the head much less being in the palace, the last he remembered was being on the cliff he visited every year and.... the figure whom had saved his life.

The figure!

Where was she now?

As Sidon moved to get up, he noticed someone sitting in a chair by the door, their cloak around their shoulders but it was not pulled over their head. Their albino shark like head fin swaying from side to side as they sat there.

It took the prince a few moments to figure out that the female was sleeping rather than sitting there. She held the sword she carried with such grace earlier in her hands in a sort of guard like stance. Her back straight as she sat in the chair.

Sidon smiled faintly as he stood up and walked across the room to look at her more closely, what startled him was the scars that marred her fins and head as well as her limbs and sides. It was proof.

Proof that she had done things beyond comprehension; protected many on her travels, defended those in need and sacrificed her own safety to rescue mere strangers from death's warm embrace.

That was still the (Y/N) he loved.

At first, he believed this all to be a cruel figment of his imagination. A dream he was still dreaming.

Ever so slowly, Sidon reached out and brushed his clawed hands against her cheek.

It wasn't a dream.

She was here.

The goddesses had had mercy on his aching heart.


She had returned.

(Pov change)
~×(Y/N)'S P.O.V.×~

The feeling of skin touching my own made me grab the hand on my face and flip the owner onto the ground. I didn't open my eyes for quite a bit but when I did, my cold (e/c) orbs gazed at the male I had flipped over, my sword pointed directly over their neck as I towered over their body.


It was him.

Sighing softly, I removed the sword from their throat and placed the blade back into its scabard. Looking back at the frightened golden orbs that watched my every movement from the floor I sent a glare at them as I held my hand out to them.

They only stared at me.

I could feel myself beginning to already grow annoyed as I grabbed their hand and hoisted them to their feet, annoyance in my voice as I spoke.

"You're still such an imbecile, I see. Know that you should never touch another when they sleep, your highness. It is rather rude and next time, you may lose something more than your breath. Now. I believe you wished to speak to me? Your eyes say it all."

I crossed my arms in annoyance as I glared at the slightly taller zora, my eyes glaring holes into his. He seemed to hesitate. Yes. I knew that I was being cruel but it didn't matter either way. I wasn't so dense as to know that he liked me.

It's obvious.

Sidon moved his lips from open to closed for a few minutes like a fish out of water before he cleared his throat and spoke shakily.

"So- I- I'm not dreaming, and you're here. Right here. I- I. I can't believe it."

~×Sidon's P.O.V.×~

I know.

I sounded hopeful.


It was a force of habit, she had been gone for so long that, even though I knew she was indeed here, I couldn't believe my eyes.

My mind had lied to me before, I had seen glimpses of her in the zoras domain before over the past century but I always lost sight of her before I could confirm the sightings.

400 times.

That's how many times I had caught glimpses of the albino zora before me over the century before she escaped my eyes on my way over to her.

It hurt.

Was she purposely doing that?

Was I just imagining it?

I couldn't lose her again....

So. I asked a question that made her visibly tense.

She didn't answer for the longest time.

"Are... are you here to stay...?"





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