Bonus chapter: Christmas

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Yes yes. I know, irresponsible Author-chan. I know. Buuut to be faiiiirrrr. I've been busy with finals and studying. Now it's Christmas and I'm up at 12:22 in the morning unable to sleep due to my dumbass developing insomnia. Anyway. This will take place when our lovely characters are young and they're celebrating Christmas. Enjoy~!

(M/N) = mother's name

(I might just give her a name, possibly give y'all a chance to choose which one y'all want. I'll put it at the end of the story.)

××No one's p.o.v××

The sounds of laughter echoed throughout the palace of glistening blue stone, rain poured down from the heavens as we join our two lovable misfits on this cold night.

Prince Sidon and young (Y/N) were giggling quietly with one another as their families watched the two as they sat next to one another near the fire.


Strange as it may seem.....

There in the living room of the palace, was a fireplace, roaring flames dancing gracefully as it warmed the zoras present.

It was nearing midnight in the zoras domain as the two young children persisted that they were not tired at all.

Their quiet yawns betraying their claims as the pearl scaled child leaned against the young prince's shoulder in a tired manner.

Bright crimson ignighted across the prince's cheeks as the female snuggled closer to him, his face holding shock as his crush, a usually well guarded and soft spoken female, used his shoulder as a pillow.

The prince was frozen in place.

What should he do?

Hug her?

Push her off?

No. That was too mean! He couldn't bare it if she hated him! Oh no no!


He came to a conclusion.

The prince pulled the female against his side as he wrapped the fluffy rito downy blanket around both of them.

His golden orbs peered at the female snuggled against him as he drifted off along with her.

Unknown to the pair, the king and princess, accompanied by (Y/N)'s mother, all watched in silent awe at the small children's adorable behavior.

Sidon's sister, Mipha, stood from her seat as she smiled gently at the two. Walking over quietly as to not wake the sleeping zoras, the princess gently knelt next to the younger zoras.

The captain of the royal guard stood as well as she gently placed a hand on the princess' head, causing the younger female to look up at her protector.

(M/N) smiled at her protege warmly as she gently lifted Sidon from the floor, Mipha seeing what she intended to do followed suit as she lifted the other small zora as well.

The woman walked out of the room and down the luminescent halls to Sidon's bed chambers. The ruby red prince whimpered softly as he slept.

Something was amiss.

He didn't feel the warmth of the other child.

Slowly, small salty tears brimmed the sleeping zora's eyes as he felt the vacancy warmth that emmited from his friend's scaled hands.

As if on cue, the pearl scaled child begun to cry just the same in the pincess's arms as she too lacked the hand she held before.


Ok! Whoo! It's done! I hope the fluff will make up for my absence!!!

Probably not lol.

Anyway as mentioned before, the name.

Some I thought of include






Anyway. Yeah. If you have any others or want me to add it to the list, feel free to comment and star the chapter~.


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