Chapter 3

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They stepped out of the white limousine that escorted them to the Cross' mansion. Kate stood fidgeting with her hands; guilt gnawing at her conscience. She would have to lie to everyone for two entire weeks. What would happen if Mr. Cross, Kyle's father, arrive at the conclusion that they weren't really engaged. Surely one would only be engaged if they had indicated that there was some form of attraction between them before. Well, Kyle and Kate were definitely attracted to each other but it proved dormant, until last night in her kitchen. Mr. Cross was ignorant of their new-fount attraction though, so there was a high chance that he wouldn't believe them to be 'in love'. An image of Mr. Cross expressing his disappointed in her,flash across her mind's eye. She didn't want him to think less of her. He was like a father to her,and the thought that he might,caused dread to settle heavily in her chest.

She took a deep breath, stamping down on the nausea that was rising at the back of her throat. She glance at the man talking on the phone beside her. The man who had her heart. Kyle. He looked so much different from the boy she grew up with. It didn't cross her mind when they were children, that she would fall for him. But looking back, how could she not? Yes, he was a brat at times but otherwise he was awfully sweet to her. She recalled one christmas, when she was six, they had decided to exchange presents. She had gotten him a T-shirt in his favourite colour, red. In return, he had gotten her the baby doll she had always wanted. For an entire week they had a debate on who the father of 'her child' was. Kyle had insisted that it was only fair that he be the father of the toy because he was the one who gave it to her. She was hell-bent that the doll didn't have a father because boys had cooties. At the time she didn't think he was sweet; she was convinced he was the devil's spawn. A soft smile crossed her lips as she took a stroll down memory lane. She fiddled with the necklace resting delicately on her cleavage. He had given it to her on her 17th birthday. It was a delicate gold chain with a ruby pendant, shaped like a rose, hanging from it.

How could she not realise she was in love with him before? Now she knew name for the pang she felt in her gut every time she saw him with his latest girlfriends. That pang was jealously.

This was her chance to express her love for him though. He would think that she was acting but it was better he think that than know the truth.

"Ready to face the family?" He asked, snaking a muscled arm around her waist. 'It felt so good being this close to him' she thought. She could smell him; that drugging freshness that was uniquely him.

"Yes, I think so. I am a bit nervous about seeing Mr. Cross again." She said slanting him a smile. Oh god, what was she doing? What if found out how much she wanted him, how much she loved him? What would he do, tell her to forget her feeling for him because he doesn't feel the same? That would be her worst nightmare.

"How are my hard-headed son and my late best friend's daughter?" Mr. Cross said, striding forward to greet the best friends. Kate was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't realised that she had subconsciously walked into the grand foyer of the mansion, kyle beside her. Kyle had noticed that she seemed a bit distracted lately but he shook it off as nerves.

Mr. Cross took in their stance; Kyle's arm seemingly protective around Kate's waist and her leaning slightly into him. "I see you two are still inseparable." He remarked "where is your fiancè?"

"You're looking at her." Kyle looked down at Kate with seemingly love-strucked eyes. He kiss her on the forehead for added effect but the little action sent Kate's heart in a frenzy.

"Oh..." Lukas, Kyle's father, was taken aback at the news. He knew that they would make the perfect couple but it was a bit awkward to see the two of them together so 'in love-like'.They both seemed more like siblings rather than lovers. He needed a little time for that piece of information to fully sink in. They seemed a bit...peculiar.

"When had the two of you gotten engaged?" He asked, looking at them with interest. They seemed in love to him but something seemed off though.

She realised that she and Kyle hadn't talked about the background of how they got engaged. Her nerves were now getting out of control because she was at a lost as to what should be her reply. Kyle was aware that she was a bit jittery and jumped in to her rescue. "We got engaged two months ago. We decided that we'd announce it when everyone was together. What better time than at dinner tonight."

"Well I'm happy for the both of you. You make a good couple and I'm sorry to hear about your father Kate, he was a good man." He said, sadness clouded his eyes as he said that last bit to Kate.

She replied with a "thanks", trying to hold back the emotions that threatened to clog her throat.

Her father, James Anderson, passed away last year in a car accident. It nearly destroyed her. Her mother had disappeared again without informing he daughter where she was headed. She hadn't seen her mother, Patricia, ever since. She was left to shoulder the grief by herself and it had been hell trying to hold onto her sanity but she pulled through with the support of Mr.Cross and Kyle. She was lucky to have had them. They were the ones who organised the funeral because she was to deep in grief to do it.

"Ok then, Kyle you can escort your lovely fiancè to your room when you're ready. I have a few matters to attend to so I'll see you at dinner. My fiancè is out shopping and will be in later for dinner, you can meet her then. Her daughters are also here too so you will meet the rest of the family in due time."

Before Lukas left, he discreetly glanced down at Kate's left hand. He noticed the absence of a ring. That was odd, he thought, but he let it slide and turned and left the room. Before he was fully out of earshot he heard his son saying "you did great."

A/N: I know it was crappy but it'll get better. This chapter isn't edited to please bear with me and ignore the mistakes. Please COMMENT and VOTE. Thank you. :)


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