Chapter 5

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     Kate stood in front of the full length mirror and surveyed her reflection.

Her red hair was in a sophisticated bun on top of her head with a few tendrils hanging loose. Her face was devoid of makeup except for a small amount of mascara on her lashes and the cherry-flavored lip gloss she had applied to her full lips.

In her eyes she looked plain.

The knee-length dress made her look fat. She was sure the dress, with It's scooped neckline and capped sleeves, was unrevealing when she'd bought it a year ago. Looking at it now, It hugged her body like a second skin. Her curvaceous body was now clearly outlined in the silk fabric.

Another dress that resembled a body suit, she sighed.

Oh how she wished she was slim-hipped and thin like those models on television. She was safely a five ft eleven but that didn't matter because in her eyes she was fat. Maybe she should change...

No, Kyle would soon be in to escort her to the living room, she didn't have the time.

Well, at least she had brains to make up for what she lacked in the physical department.

"You ready to go?" Kyle asked, striding into the room, his mood swing from earlier forgotten.

Kate turned away from the mirror and faced him. His breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her. Oh how beautiful she was, he thought. And that it hugged her curves had him salivating. She was simply define. He always knew she was beautiful and sexy but it seems now she was even more well-defined in her beauty.

He quickly recovered his wits and held out his hand for her to take it. She quickly took it and he lead her out of the room and in the direction of the dining room where his father and soon-to-be stepmother and step sisters should be waiting.

Kyle took a swift breath...

Let the show begin.


   They entered the grand dining room and Kate took a moment to reaquaint herself with the large old-fashioned looking room. It still looked the the same as when she was hare last: floor covered from wall to wall with gold carpeting, the walls decorated with expensive paintings and gleaming, dark wooden furniture arranged stylishly about the room.

Yes, still the same.


   Mr Cross greeted his son with a smile, a hug and a pat on the back. He then turned to kiss Kate on both cheeks.

"That dress suits you, Kate." He said, subjecting her to his bright smile.

She remembered the way Kyle had said those very same words an hour ago and she blushed. Even though she didn't like the way the dress looked on her, she still felt grateful for the compliment. She smiled shyly and replied with a "Thanks."

"This is my lovely finance, Jenna." Mr Cross gestured to a beautiful middle-aged woman that Kate hadn't noticed was in the room.

The woman was truly beautiful, even with the prominent streaks of gray in her platinum blond hair. Her thin figure was clad in a elegant pastel blue shift dress that complimented her light blue eyes nicely.

Jenna smiled brightly and hugged Kyle enthusiastically. He returned the hug awkwardly trying not to cringe at the strong smell of perfume that floated off his soon-to-be stepmother.

Kate had to stiffle a giggle at the look on her best friend's face.

Jenna turned to Kate and her smile wavered a bit. There was something in her eyes that Kate couldn't identity that made her uncomfortable. The older woman stiffly said a "Nice to meet you." and turned back to Kyle.

"My daughters and their friend, Stella, will be down soon and you'll get to meet them. I think you'll particularly like Stella, Kyle. She's just stunning!"

The way she said that last sentence didn't sit well with Kate. It was evident that Jenna was hinting for Kyle to pay special attention to this Stella.

Kate huffed softly under her breath. Knowing Kyle he probably will.

Kyle noticed the tense posture of his best friend; or in this case, fiance. He drew her closer, kissed her temple and turned to address Jenna...

"I'm sure she is but I won't be able to notice, I can't seem to take my eyes off my fiance long enough. Not when she's looking like this." He smiled mischievously down at Kate and her heart somersaulted in her chest.

Did he really mean that?

'Well let's see,' thought Kate 'because here they come.'

A/N: Hey guys! I know it is short but I just wrote this chapter on the bus going home from school. sorry for the mistakes, this chapter isn't edited. plz Vote and Comment.

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