Chapter 6

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(Not edited)

... "My daughters and their friend, Stella, will be down soon and you'll get to meet them. I think you'll particularly like Stella, Kyle. She's just stunning!"

.... "I'm sure she is but I won't be able to notice, I can't seem to take my eyes off my fiance long enough. Not when she's looking like this." He smiled mischievously down at Kate and her heart somersaulted in her chest.

Did he really mean that?

'Well let's see,' thought Kate, 'because here they come.'

*Chapter 6*

They strode into the room as if on a catwalk. Both sisters looked beautiful; with their platinum blond hair in a sophisticated up-do, showing off long, elegant necks.

They were both thin with glowing tan skins and the same blue eyes as their mother's. They were twins and both gorgeous.

Kate felt self-concious. She felt like an oversized cow compared to the sisters, and not nearly as beautiful either.

Looking at them had her insecurities eating away at her.

Of course Kyle didn't mean what he said about him can't taking his eyes off her. It was all just for show but for that one moment she almost believed him. The sincerity in his voice when he said it seemed genuine, but Kate knew better. She was not irresistible; far from it actually. One look at the sisters in front of her drove that knowledge home.

The memory of her mother telling her that she was too fat for any man to want her, penetrated her thoughts, and she had to stamp down the tears that were pushing to the surface. She had to accept from an early age that she was neither sexy nor beautiful. Her only redeeming features were her eyes and her hair, but even those failed to spark some self-confidence in her. To her, she was just too plain.

That didn't stop her from wishing though.

Jenna smiled brightly at her daughters. She turned to introduce them to her guests, Kate and Kyle.

"These are my lovely daughters, Evanna and Lieanna." She said, her voice dripping with pride.

Of course she would be proud of her daughters. What's not to be proud of? They looked like they stepped out of the pages of one of those glossy, expensive magazines.

Lieanna smiled brightly at the couple. Extending her hand to Kyle first, she greeted him. She then turned to Kate and said a bright "Hello", her bright smile still in place.

Kate liked her instantly. Lieanna seemed to have that bubbly personality that makes it hard for you not to like her.

Upon close inspection of the other woman, Kate noticed that Lieanna had a slightly rounder figure than her sister's. She wore an off-the-shoulder dress that, although appeared simple, must have cost a fortune. On her feet were a pair of bright red heals that made her look taller than she already was, and if possible, even more elegant. The woman was flawless; something Kate wasn't. She knew she shouldn't be comparing herself to others but it was just too easy to see her faults when in the presence of such beauties. Sadness crept up on her and for the third time that day she had to put a lid on her emotions.

Kate forced a smile, hoping no one noticed, and shook Lieanna's hand.

She felt eyes on her and turned to see Evanna staring at her in a way that made her skin crawl. She was wearing the same outfit as her twin but her dress was blue instead of light pink.

Evanna's eyes seemed to scan the redhead's body with a sick kind of hunger that made Kate's discomfort kick up a few notches. The look resembled that of a hungry hyena who spotted its next meal. Kate half expected the woman to let out a high pitched laugh like the hyenas she once saw at the zoo as a child.

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