Close Encounter

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It was early morning, about 6:30, and the sun was just barely coming up. Only a sliver of the sun was peeking through and the moon was still high in the sky with its crescent shape. Wispy clouds clung to every breeze that passed by, gently sweeping them across the sky.

The street lights in Brooklyn, New York flickered off around the parks sidewalks. Steve ran around the same loop for over a half hour, counting how many lights there were as he ran.

Once again, Steve ran on the left side of his friend, grinning as he passed by. "On your left."

"Damn it, Steve. How many times are you going to do that?" Samuel Wilson hollered after him, nearly out of ear shot.

"I'm just being a considerate friend!" Steve slightly turned his head and ran around another loop. When he came back to where he had just been, he saw Sam sitting on a park bench, drinking from a water bottle. Steve came and sat next to him, taking a drink from his own bottle.

"How is it a ninety-five year old man can out run a twenty some year old?" Sam panted through sips of water.

"Seventy of those years don't count though." Steve looked over at him, smirking wide.

"Whatever," Sam shook his head, trying to hide his own laughter and smile. "Hey, I'm gonna go. Same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah, same place too." Steve pushed himself from the bench, meeting Samuel for a short hug and walked their separate ways.

Steve Rogers grabbed his water and started walking down the streets of Brooklyn, his home. The home he's been in since the battle in Manhattan, New York. The very battle Loki had brought when he sent the Chitauri through the portal and he remembered that battle like it was yesterday.

He came to his apartment building and walked up the long stairwell to his own apartment. As he walked by, he glanced at the now empty living space across the hallway from him. It was Peggy Carter's daughter's apartment before she got married and moved out. As Steve thought, he fumbled with his keys at the door. What if that was his daughter? If he would have stayed conscious and somehow got to civilization, then that would have been his daughter. It saddened Steve. He missed Peggy. He would have loved to have gone on that date with her. To dance with her, to care for her. To even spend a whole life time with her. Now, he'd never get that chance again.

Steve finally managed to unlock his door and stepped in. He was alone in the big apartment for four months now with no one to talk to.

He walked into his bedroom pulling off his blue t-shirt, throwing it in a hamper and changing to a white shirt. Along with that, he changed his shorts and socks to jeans and clean socks. Before walking out, he grabbed his light brown leather jacket and keys.

Steve was once again outside in the cool morning air. The sun was fully up now and the moon had disappeared. Brooklyn was finally waking up and coming alive as he walked down the street to a local Starbucks. He opened the door to the sweet smell of ground coffee beans. Tony had gotten Steve into drinking here shortly after the battle with Loki. From then on, every now and then, after a run with Samuel, Steve would come and get coffee.

He walked closer to the counter with a clear idea of what he usually got. "Small black coffee, no cream, and one sugar please."

The woman nodded, sending through the order and began to get it ready. Steve moved over and waited for his coffee, paid for it and went to sit in the corner by the window.

People started to walk the popular streets of Brooklyn and Steve quietly sat in his corner, people watching. Woman had changed so much, appearance wise. Men too. In the 1940's woman wore proper clothes like dresses and nice clothes for the right occasion. Men, they always wore suits. They wore nice pants, nice shirts and good shoes.

Now in the 21st century, things are much different. Woman, depending on what they are like, wore jeans. Rarely woman wore dresses, unless it was summer or a formal occasion. The men, also depending on what they were like, rarely wore suits. Again, only for proper occasion or business.

Steve took a long swig of coffee, looking out the window to across the street. A single, very familiar man stared right at Steve, not moving at all. Long brown hair, tall, strong, serious face and a metal arm.

Slowly, Steve stood up, leaving his coffee and walked out the door. The man across the street didn't move as Steve walked to a cross-walk and waited for a red light.

A function switch must have turned on because just then, the man with the metal arm started to turn the corner away from Steve. The light turned from green to red and Steve ran towards the corner that the man had just been on. Steve turned the corner and just barely caught a glimpse of his stalker, who had just turned another corner on the left.

Steve had no choice but to run. If the man was who he thinks he was, then there was no way Steve would miss a chance to catch up to him. So, he kept running. Steve turned left, they same way the man had done. He ran and ran to the end of the alley only to meet a dead end.

Steve deflated. He had hoped to see him, to get some kind of condolence from being right on who he saw. He sighed deeply, looking at the ground now.

Just when Steve was about to lose all hope, he saw the best line of writing he had ever read. On a small scratch piece of paper in sloppy writing was definitely a note from Bucky.

I'm with you until the end of the line.


So, I hope this makes up for not posting last weekend. Last weekend was Mother's day as most of you may know and I didn't have any time to post.

Anywho, chapter two is comin' right up! XP

Dedication goes to my dear Bestie, Sergeant_Barnes!

Love you, Bucky!!!

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