An Unconventional Chance

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Steve stared down at his laptop screen, marveling at the sight of the enormous spece shuttle on the screen. Video footage of Apollo 11 played as Steve took  in what he missed. Below the video he was watching was a description box.

On July 16,1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took on an amazing journey; they were going to the moon. At Cape Canaveral, Florida on Launch Pad A, Launch Complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center the Apollo 11 space shuttle sat at the ready to take on its amazing quest to the moon.

On July 20, 1969 Armstrong was the very first man to step foot on the moon's surface. To this day, it is beleived Neil's boot print is still on the dusty surface.

"Hm," Steve sat, returning to the video footage. The rocket was already started, thrusters were fired and the count down began.

"This is it," the voice of Neil Armstrong said. "One small step for mankind."











Instantly, the rocket was taking off and already making history. It was amazing; the track towards the moon.

Granted, now that Steve thought about it, he's seen and met two mythical gods, the Chitauri and space itself through the portal looking up. It wasn't too hard for Steve to beleive man kind would land on the moon but a part of him still thought it would have been impossible.

When the video ended, Steve looked to his list for what else he should know about. After all, Tony was kind enough tto give him things to research while he was busy being a capsicle for 70 years. There were things like Steve Jobs, the TV show Sherlock, Sean Connery, The Fifth Element, AC/DC and the Oktoberfest. Those were only a fraction of the things compared to what else was on the list.

Steve started to type in the search bar, but pounding on his door, groaning and crashing interupted him and his thoughts. He waited a second thinking it was an intoxicated neighbor or some teenagers, but the pounding on his door continued insistantly.

Steve placed his laptop to the side and got up, anxiously striding to the door with a displeased look. He hand jerked to the door handle, throwing it open as wide as his eyes got.

In front of him was a bloody Bucky, grasping hhis right shoulder. From the look on his best friend's face all he saw was pain, need and sanction. Bucky's blue-green eyes were trying to keep themselves held open while he wobbled to the side. The same black long sleeve Steve had seen him in earlier was covered in fresh, crimson blood and the wound was still oozing Bucky's life force.

Bucky opened his mouth, taking in small breaths. He tried to speak but only whimpered in pain. All Steve could do was watch. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what Bucky wanted to say or was trying to say. But he wanted to help, he just didn't know how.

As Bucky tried harder to speak, he became more audible. A squeak, a whine and eventually a word.

"Help," was the single word and Bucky crumpled to the hallway floor, his legs giving out from under him.

Immediately, Steve knew what to do and knelt down to Bucky, checking him, making sure he still had a pulse. When Steve knew he did, he grabbed Bucky's hands and dragged him into his apartment and onto his couch.

Steve thought of how he could help while he stared at the bullet wound. The he knew. Steve bolted to the bathroom, gathering Peroxide, bandages, tape, tweezers and a wet wash cloth.

Proping Bucky up for the moment, he took off the blood soaked long sleeve and set it on the coffee table next to him. Steve set Bucky back down, laying his head on the arm rest and looked at him for a second. He hadn't changed. Bucky still had the muscles, the six pack, everyhting. He even looked different, better maybe. It was like the serum that was given to Bucky was better than what was given to Steve. Returning to his work, Steve grabbed the wash cloth and rubbed away the blood so he could see what he'd be dealing with. With a little work, tweezers, a wash rag and Peroxide, Steve got the bullet out. Then the bandages and tape came in. Steve wrapped the bandage under Bucky's right arm, over his back and back over the left side of his chest, meeting the two ends together.

Steve took care of all the supplies and blood, finally sitting in a chair across from Bucky. He watched him rest, hoping he had done everything he could for him, but knowing he needed to do more. The same feeling he had when Bucky fell off the train returned when he crumpled in a heap to the ground, nearly giving Steve a heart attack. He got shaky and scared; scared that from single bullet wound he might lose Bucky. But, he hadn't and all that was left to do was wait for Bucky to wake up.


Well, where do I begin...

I'm sorry it's late for one. Two, I put this together in one night. Three, I'm sorry I couldn't quite get the Stucky right in this chapter. Can't figure out how to do it with out giving TOO much away. But, anywho...

Oh! I watched Finding Nemo and was determined to figure out how many times they said the word "Nemo" in the whole movie. Turns out they say it 79 times. =D

Also, It was 4th of July yesterday and I almost blew up a car...that was exciting and kinda thrilling XD (Moreon that event in my story Being Me!!!)

But, anyway, I shall return to you with another chapter hopefully next weekend. 

I have 4 dedications to give out for the next four chapters lined up. But this chaper is dedicated to LeelaRogers!!!!

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