Year 1

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Thanks so much for reading! It is in second person so you are the first person, Y/N means you insert your name. I hope you enjoy. GIRLS ONLY. I OWN NONE OF THIS. ALL CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS BELONG TO J.K ROWLING!!! I WILL ADD 1 MORE CHAPTER EVERY 3 DAYS. I already have it all ready so don't worry.

Year 1:

You awaken, it is nearing August and you had just turned 11. You eagerly await your Hogwarts acceptance letter. Your parents call you from outside your room. “Y/N! Breakfast is ready!” Called Severus, your father.

                “You don’t want to miss your tour of the Ministry today!” Yelled the sweet voice of your mother, Gianna.

You crawl out of bed and see your parents already seated. You live on a secluded mountain, far from any putrid muggles. Your family is amazing, you are an only child with the most slytherin heart out of all of them, especially because you are a pureblood. You always dreamed about finding your “Slytherin Prince” who would make you as happy as your mother was with your father. Happy and content, as marriages where to be. After getting ready, you all take floo powder to the Ministry.

The tour was bland, the building itself was a wonder, but the tour guide spoke in a monotonous voice. After the tour, your parents ran into their friend, Lucius Malfoy. After speaking to them for an hour, Lucius turned to you, “I hope you and Draco get along well. We plan for you guys to spend Christmas at our manor. I am your godfather, so I must see you. Your parents will not be there, but you should feel right at home.” You smirk at the kind man. You could get along with whomever you wished.

Your parents side-along apparated you home, where you found your Hogwarts letter awaiting you. Your parents take you straight to Diagon Alley to begin shopping. Your mother leaves to pick up the books, but your father takes you robe shopping and potion ingredients collecting. You step inside a shop of which name you did not read and immediately began picking out robes. You wanted silk, or was cotton better? You decide to get both. Your father gets them fitted and then you leave with 7 new robes. Including a dress in case there would be any dates. Your father bought you an assortment and basic and advanced pack of ingredients. All you wanted was to see your mother. Even though you were close with your father, you had a special bond with Gianna.

After visiting the quill shop to get 10 quills and ink. You met with your parents in a pet shop where your mother was going to get you an owl of your choice. When you see her sparkling eyes, you smile. “Any owl you want, Y/N, price is no object.” Severus purrs. You walk around the store until you find it. A midnight black owl, you would name it Eclipse because it looked like a black sky. The last stop was Olivanders, you got 15 inches, oak, firm wood, dragon heartstring core wand. It felt perfect in your hand. After your parents bought it, you returned home to pack up your stuff.

                After some weeks, it was finally September 1st. You kissed your mother on the cheek and boarded a car with some money from Gringotts to buy some chocolate frogs, your favorite. Severus got on a different car in the front in case you wanted to sit by him, but he understood you wanted to mingle with other wizards. The first years where in the back of the train, so you looked around for an interesting face. You ended up next to your father because all the compartments where full. You did not mind, Severus was a kind man. You ate many sweets on the train, but your father and you separated the second you left the train. Immediately you felt awkward, everyone seemed to have friends but you. You got in a boat with a bunch of random kids and began going towards Hogwarts.

                During the Sorting, your last name was Snape, so you where around the end of the list. You prayed to be a slytherin, any other house would suck. After many names where called, you where next, the hat was placed on your head, after a second it yelled, “SLYTHERIN!” You looked to your dad who had a large smile on his face. Then you walked towards the Slytherin table looking for somewhere to sit. There was one seat open, next to a handsome young boy. You looked towards your father, who seemed to be holding back laughter, (what a mean occulemen, must have heard you call the boy handsome), you break eye contact and sit down.

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