Hey, beautiful

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A/N- so I'm gonna make Pete one of those drunks that says exactly what he's thinking with no concept of what he needs to keep secret. He's also not extremely drunk, so he won't be super hungover. Joe is a different story.
Patrick sat on the couch. He was the only band member who wasn't drunk. (Besides Andy.) He wasn't in a drinking mood. Pete staggered to the couch, a beer in his hand. "Hey, beautiful" he slurred, sitting down and putting his arm around Patrick. A bright red blush spread across Patrick's cheeks. "Baby, I love you, so do you wanna cuddle?"
Pete laid across the couch and pulled Patrick until he was laying, curled up, on top of Pete. Pete wrapped his arms around Patrick's waist, kissed Patrick's forehead, and passed out, not loosening his grip on Patrick. Patrick, wanting to move but also not wanting to, stayed where he was until he fell asleep.
Patrick woke up very confused. He was on the couch, not in his bed, and for some reason he was laying on top of his crush. Then he rembered. Patrick was pulled away from his thoughts when Pete groaned. "What happened last night", Pete said rubbing his eyes. When Pete pulled his hands away from his eyes and realized Patrick was laying on him, his eyes widened and his face resembled a tomato. Patrick took this as his que to leave. "Wait, Patrick, please" Pete reached forward and grabbed Patrick's shoulder. Patrick turned to face Pete, tears welling in his eyes. Pete let his hand fall from Patrick's shoulder. "Patrick, I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I honestly don't remember what happened. So please tell me what I did so I can try to fix it. Please." Patrick stared at the ground, tears now falling from his eyes. "I-I love you, Pete. And last night you told me you loved me, too But I guess not, seeing as you don't even remember." Pete's eyes widened. "Patrick, no. I've loved you for a long time, but never thought you would feel the same way. I'm sorry it came out like that." Patrick slightly smiled and hugged Pete. "So...umm, can I try again? Hopefully without misunderstandings or crying?" Pete said awkwardly. Patrick laughed good-naturedly and nodded.
Joe woke up to find Pete and Patrick sleeping on the couch, but he was too hungover to really notice. He took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep.

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