Chapter 2

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Akashi POV

It's been five years.

Five long years since I broke up with Tetsuya.

I don't know what went wrong with me that day. I'm not even sure why I chose Furihata over him. I don't even know why I cheated on him.

I love him so much. I love Tetsuya so much.

I've done almost everything I could to look for him. I asked his former team mates in Seirin, I asked the Generation of Miracles, I even hired a detective just to find him but everything is to no avail. It's as if someone is purposefully blocking me from finding him.

"Akashicchi, you're so lost in thoughts again. What are you thinking about?"


We are now here at Maji for our monthly meet up. Ever since we got reunited, we always made sure to meet up once in a while. But ever since Tetsuya and I broke up, he stopped showing up.

He never showed himself up these past five years. It's like he totally disappeared from our life.

From my life.


"Aominecchi! You're here!"

"Aomine, not that I care but it's nice seeing you again."

"Aomine-chin, you want some snacks?."

"It's been a long time, Daiki." I greeted him. It has been a year since I last saw him. He's always busy.

"Yeah. It is." He said.

"I wonder if Kurokocchi would ever show up." Kise said with a frown on his face. "I missed him a lot."

Suddenly, our table was filled with silence.

Everything about Tetsuya is a taboo topic to speak around me. They all know how much I regretted breaking up with him.

They all know how much I tried to find him.

To make things right between us.

To take him back.

To make him mine again.


The silence was broken by a happy yell and three little kids that run their way to pounce at Daiki. They all lovingly hug him like they haven't seen him for quite a long time.

"Brats! What are you doing here?" Daiki asked with a wide smile as he picked up the kids and sat them on his lap.

"Mama took us out! He said that he'll let us drink milk shake!" The boy with the red hair answered.

"H-He's on the phone talking to someone." The boy with the light blue hair added.

"Then we saw you from the outside!" The other boy with the red hair said enthusiastically.

"Aominecchi, your kids?" Kise asked.

"They're not mine." He answered. "Brats, greet your uncles."

The three little kids faced us.

"Hello. I'm Seiji, I'm the eldest." This kid has a blazing fire red hair, heterochromatic eyes and have an aura of a leader around him.

"Hi! I'm Kyohei. I'm the middle child!" The hyperactive kid with a red hair and crystal blue eyes happily said. He's almost identical to Seiji, the only difference is the color of their eyes.

"Hello... I-I'm Tatsumi. I'm the youngest." The kid with a teal colored hair shyly introduced himself. This kid looked almost the same as him except the color of their eyes. This kid's red while his are blue.

"They're triplets, if you're wondering about it." Daiki said.

"Whose kids are they?" Shintaro asks as he adjusts his glasses.

"Tetsu." Daiki answered as he makes the triplets sit on the vacant seats that he pulled.

"Kurokocchi?!" He stared intently at the kids. "He's married?!"

"He's not." Daiki answered.

"Then how?! Who's their mother? Is it Kurokocchi?!"

"Yes." Daiki answered.

"Who's the father then?" Ryouta asked.

I really want to know as well. I want to know who the hell am I going the beat the hell out of just to take Tetsuya back.

"We don't have a father." Seiji answered. "Dai-chan told us that he cheated on mommy and broke up with him then kicked him out of their house to be with his lover."

"Brats, don't tell your mommy that I told you that, okay?" Daiki said.

"Yes!!" The triplets answered in unison.

"Daiki, what the hell are you telling these kids?" I asked.

"What?" He smirked at me. "I'm just telling them the truth. Their father left them for someone else. Leaving their mother to fend off for the four of them."

"Mommy's not alone!" Kyouhei answered as he got up his seat with his little hands pounding on the table. "Mommy have us! Mommy have you!"

"I agree." Seiji answered. "Even if you always got dumped by your girlfriends because of us, you never leave us."

"Y-You're like our father, Dai-chan." Tatsumi added.

Daiki grinned widely and glanced over me with a triumphant look.

"Are you dating Kurokocchi, Aominecchi?"

"We're not." He answered.

"Then how did you know these kids?" Shintaro asks.

"That... Hmmm... I've been with Tetsu from the third month of his pregnancy up to date." Daiki answered. "They're living with me."

"What?! All this time you know where Kuroko is and you never told us?" Shintaro asked.

I clenched my fists. This bastard.... He knew how much I wanted to see Tetsuya again. I begged them for help. I cried to them whenever I got drunk, which rarely happens, yet he still kept this fact secret to us. "You bast-"

"Mama!" Kyouhei, the hyperactive kid, stood up on his chair and happily waved his little hands as he saw his mother. 

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