Chapter 15

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Kuroko's POV

I was cleaning Akashi-kun's bruises and wounds that was caused by Aomine-kun's beating.

His lips were cut. His right eyebrow is bleeding. There were bruises on his face and on his body as well.

My eyes tear up as I run my fingers over his bruises. "I'm sorry... This all happened because I let you kiss me..."

"No. Tetsuya, please don't say sorry." He said as he took my hands and brought to his lips. "I would let Daiki beat me over and over again if it means that I could kiss you."

"But it's not good for my heart..." I said. "I hate seeing you get hurt, Akashi-kun."

"Tetsuya,I know that this isn't the right time and I know that I still haven't proven myself to you but... I really love you. I love you so much. And I would do everything just to have you back. I know that I had hurt you so much. And I admit my sins. Please, Tetsuya, let me pay for my sin. Let me serve you for the rest of our lives. Please... Please take me back."

Akashi Seijuro never beg.

He gets what he wants by any means and Everyone knows this.

But right now, he's begging me. Clearly begging me, not yet on his knees but I know he would definitely kneel if he could, but he's really begging me.

I clearly have decided that I will forgive him and make him mine again. And now that he's begging me... It's like having a part of my dreams come true.



"I... I love you... I really do." I answered with all my heart. "I will give you a chance but Akashi-kun, I'll only say this once. Cheat on me again and I'll definitely make sure that I'll cut that part of you with your favorite scissors." I tried to make my voice as threatening as possible as I look down at his... well.. so he would take my warning to heart but I only got a chuckle from him. "What's so funny? I'm really gonna cut that part of you, you know."

"I know... I know you would." He said as he scoots closer to me. "Tetsuya, can I kiss you?"

"No. Your lip is injured."

He stared at me for a long while as I battled him with my own stare. "fine." He pulled me over to him and hugs me tightly to his chest. "I love you... I really do love you, my Tetsuya."

I smiled.

I love him so much. He is the only man that I ever loved. From middle school, up to when we first got together in high school until we lived together in college and broke up a few months after graduating from college.

And now, after five long years of being separated from him, we were back together again.

Kagami-kun would definitely be mad.

To think that I gave in within just a few days.

"I should call kagami-kun..."

He parts from me and asks, "Why?"

"I need to inform him that we're back together now." I said. "And about what happened with Aomine-kun."


It has been a few days when all that drama happened.

Kagami-kun kept on yelling and scolding me when I told him about us.

He even talked to Akashi-kun and rained him down with swearing and threats.

I couldn't help but laugh as he talked off Akashi-kun's ear as Akashi-kun looked at me as if asking if he will ever stop.

After the call, we laughed and cuddled for a while before we went down the kitchen and prepare for dinner.

But Aomine-kun hasn't come back yet.

I thought that he's just trying to cool himself off but he's not even calling me. I'm starting to get worried but Akashi-kun calmed me down and said that there's nothing wrong and he's definitely gonna show up on our sons' birthday.

"He loves the kids. He won't stand them up. He'll show up tomorrow, love."

"It's been five days already but he hasn't called me yet. He's not in his apartment as well."

"Daiki's a grown-up man, already. He might be staying over at his friends." He said as he lovingly caressed my hair.

We were on my bed, cuddling. My head is rested on his chest. Don't get it wrong. We didn't have sex. It's still too early for that. Our relationship is still on the stage where we were getting accustomed to each other again.

"Don't worry about him." He kissed my temple lovingly.

I looked up at him. "Are you jealous?"

"My boyfriend is worrying about another guy, of course I'm jealous. But I know that you're only worried for his well being." He said as he cups my cheek. "And I know that there's nothing to worry about."

"I love you, Akashi-kun."

"I love you too, Tetsuya." 

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