Chapter 8

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Kise's POV

"Let's continue this meeting some other time." I stood up and left him. I'll just going to let my secretary deal with him for the mean time. I need to know what Ryouta is talking about with my Tetsuya.



I'm dead.

I knew it. I'm dead.

Please God of basketballcchi, help me get through this ordeal alive.

If I live past this, I swear I'll be a really really good boy. I won't flirt around and stay faithful to Megumicchi (Shintaro's younger sister) for the rest of my life.

"Akashi-kun, domo." Kurokocchi greeted him with his expressionless face as before.

"Akashicchi, what are you doing here?" I asked. Akashicchi is glaring intently at me. If glaring could kill, I'll be dead by now.

"I'm having a luncheon meeting with an investor when I saw the both of you. Since my meeting is about to end already I decided to come over and greet you." He said.

I looked over to where his companion was and I saw his secretary Mayuzumicchi talking to him. It seems like Mayuzumicchi is continuing their meeting since his boss decided to leave their table midway and come over here to check us out.

"Mind if I join you?" Akashicchi asked.

"We don't-"

"We do." Kurokocchi cut me off.

Kurokocchi! Please let him join us! I'm screwed once he started thinking that you're on a date with me!!

"....Would I be interrupting something?" Akashicchi's tone started to get colder and his gazes at me started to get sharper.

"Yes." Kurokocchi answered straightforwardly.

NO! Say, no! Kurokocchi!

".....I see." Akashicchi looked at me with a look that's saying, 'you better tell me everything that you've talked about.'.

I sent him a 'help me' look. I hope he gets it.

"Akashi-kun." Kurokocchi called out to him. "Would you like to meet your sons?"

Good! Good job, Kurokocchi! I secretly sent out a thumb up to him in my heart.

"You'll... let me?" He asked in complete disbelief.

I'm sure he would. Even I would never blame Kurokocchi if he decided not to let his sons meet their father. Tsk.

"No matter what happened between us, it won't change the fact that they were your sons." Kurokocchi answered. "I can't make them on my own."


Akashi POV


Three lovely little kids run towards Tetsuya to give him a hug.

"Have you been good to your Uncle and Aunt?" Tetsuya asked as crouched down to give the children a kiss on their cheeks.

"Of course!" The kid, I believe Kyouhei was his name, answered cheekily as he puts his hands on his hips and puffed his chests proudly.

"It's a given that we will be good." Seijii said. "I won't let my siblings act unruly and I will always make sure that everything will be in order."

"We don't want Uncle Taiga and Aunt Kimi to hate us." Tatsumi said.

"Oi. Kuroko you're fina-" Kagami stopped as he saw me. "The hell is that guy doing here?!"

"He's my guest, Kagami-kun." Tetsuya answered as he stood up.

"Guest?! After what he did to you?!"

"Taiga, what's going on?" A girl with a long black hair came. "Why are you shouting?"

"It's because of this bastard here!" He said as he angrily pointed at me.

"Is he..." The girl looked at me then to Tetsuya. "I see..." She breathed out and then smiled at Tetsuya. "Taiga, I think it's best if we let them be."

"There's no way in hell that I'll let my best friend get fooled by this bastard again!" Kagami angrily shouted.

"Kagami-kun. Watch your language." Tetsuya said in an uncharacteristically cold voice.

"B-But, Kuroko-"

"I know what I'm doing." He answered as he sighed. "Kimi-chan, I'll call you later."

"I understand. Let's go, Taiga." He pulled Kagami-kun out.

"I apologize for that." He slightly bowed at me.

"You don't need to." I answered. "He's got all the right to get mad at me."

"Mama... Why is Uncle Taiga mad?" Kyouhei asked out of curiosity.

"Is he and Uncle..." Seiji tilted his head as he looked at me, trying to remember my name. "Uncle Akashi fighting?"

"There are some things that you'll only understand once you grow up but there are things that I could tell you guys now." Tetsuya said.

"What is it, Mama?" Kyouhei asked expectantly.

"You boys were asking me before about your father, right?"

"Yes." Seiji answered. "We wanted to meet him."

"Even though Dai-chan is saying bad things about him, we still are very interested in meeting him." Kyouhei said.

"Dai-chan told us not to tell Mama about that!" Seiji immediately scolded his brother.

The triplets suddenly huddled together and whispered things amongst themselves. It was quite adorable if I must say.

"Are they always like this?" I asked softly.

"Yes." He sighed. "I've got to have a talk to Aomine-kun about what he's telling the kids about you."

I'd like to know as well. What does that bastard tells my sons other than the fact that I cheated on him before.

Damn. I know that I don't have the right to call Daiki a bastard. He did everything that I should be doing for my children and Tetsuya. He kept him safe along with my sons.

I owe him a lot.

I owe him and Kagami and Kagami's girlfriend a lot.

But no matter how much I owe him. I will never be able to give Tetsuya and my children up.


Third Person POV

The triplets finally finished their emergency meeting. They faced their 'mother' and Akashi with wide grin on their faces and decided to act like they never said anything. Kuroko can't help but smile with his sons' antics. He smiled at Akashi who's staring at the kids. "They're pretending like they hadn't accidentally slipped a secret that Aomine-kun told them." He said softly so that Akashi would be the only one to hear it.

"I see." Akashi keeps on nodding.

"Mama, let's continue with the talk about our father." Seiji urges him in hopes that his 'mother' would completely forget about what they said earlier.

Kuroko made the triplets sit as well as Akashi. He squatted down to meet his children on their eye level and slowly tell them about their father. "I've told you a lot about your father, right?"

"Yes." Seiji answered. "You said that our father is a lot like me."

"Yes." He answered. He looked back at Akashi and beckon him closer. Akashi stood up and went nearer. When he's close enough, Kuroko faced his children again and slowly say, "Akashi Seijuro, this man, is your father."


Quite a long chapter if I must say.

Anyways, I'm dropping by to thank everyone that's reading my story!

Hope you're enjoying it as much as I do.

Please do leave a comment or a message! It will be highly appreciated.


Love lots!

YukiGane. 😊

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