The Accident

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Violetta's POV:

My head is going to Explode from all the pain. I Feel so dizzy. I cant wake up, I cant move...Where am i? I can see yellow colours appearing and then suddenly i see a bright white light in my eyes.


Doctor: Unfortunately she is not waking up... She is in a coma due to a severe car crash. We do not know how long it will take for her to wake up, but we will try our best to do something.

Leon: Is there a chance that she might like...Die?

Doctor: Well,there is a possibility of that happening but dont worry we will do our best to help her out and hope that she will wake up as soon as possible.

Leon: When can i see her?

Doctor: You can visit her tomorrow because today we will be very busy checking her out.

Leon's POV:

My heart is breaking into small pieces step by step. Its all my fault this happened to her...If i had given her trust then most probably this wouldnt of happened.

Doctor: Now, i need to ask you a few questions.

Leon: Yes of course.

Doctor: What exactly happened before she got into a car crash?

Leon: Well...we were arguing before and she didnt want to really talk to me and she locked herself in her room. After that i came to her door and apologised and then she opened the door and suddenly she started running away from me and got into the car and then everything happened...

Doctor: Hmm..Was she stressed out that made her to run away from you? Was she afraid of Something?

Leon: Well yeah most probably she was stressed out but i dont know what made her to be afraid...

Doctor: Ok thank you. Just saying that when she will recover do not put pressure on her and try not to argue. Arguments cause Stress and Stress causes unexpected things to happen.

Leon: Yes i understand.

Doctor: Ok Goodnight.

Leon's POV,
I sat on a chair and started dialing Fede's number.


I turned my head within less than a second and see Ludmila.

Leon: Ludmila...Violetta is in a Coma.


Ludmila comes closer to me and i see her worried eyes going to leave a tear soon.

Leon: She got into a Car crash...Please dont ask anymore questions i feel terrible and very upset.

Ludmila: But Leon will she be ok!?

Leon: The doctors said they will try their best to help her...i really hope so.

Ludmila: But how did she get into a car crash!?


Ludmila straight away keeps quiet and looks at him, letting a tear run down her checks.

Leon: Ludmila..Im sorry! I didn't mean to shout at you...Please forgive me..its just a really bad time to ask not in the mood to answer them..

Leon: Ludmila please Forgive me.

Ludmila: Its...its ok...Umm i will go then..

Leon: Wait!

Ludmila: What?

Leon comes closer to her and starts to hug her.

Ludmila: Umm..Leon what are you doing?

Leon: Ludmila i feel terrible and im sorry again. I can see that i made you upset and i didnt want to.. The reason why i am upset it's because Violetta got into a car crash because of me. Its all my fault.

Ludmila: What do you mean its all your fault?

Leon: I will explain everything but not here.

Ludmila: Ok lets go into my Room.

Ludmila and Leon enter the room.

Ludmila: Ok im listening.

Leon tells Ludmila everything of what had happened.

Ludmila: OH MY GOSH!!!

Ludmila: You know its actually not your fault!

Leon: Its not?

Ludmila: Its Tomas fault. If he didnt come here and Meet with Violetta. Violetta wouldn't be so protective of him and stuff and she wouldn't of argue with you so dont worry its not your fault.

Leon: But things happened. You cant blame a person who just came to a place to visit and then accidentally meet Violetta and things that happened after..Ok she is kinda right..i should believe her more and trust her but i do but i can clearly see that Tomas is still in love with her and i didnt want anything to happen between them but now we got into a argument and now Violetta is in a Coma! I feel that it is my fault.

Ludmila: Yeah ok but she lied to you aswell so she doesn't trust you.

Leon rolls his eyes.

Leon: Ok enough, enough.. im done with this not in the mood to talk more about this stuff.

Ludmila: Ok...What are you going to do now? What are you going to do with your kids?

Leon: Im going to hope that Violetta will wake up as soon as possible. But i wont tell the kids about what happened to Violetta..i dont want them worrying and asking questions ...i feel really depressed.

Ludmila: Dont worry, Violetta is strong and she will wake up. Im telling you. She is not that kind of person that will give up. I believe in her.

Leon: So do I.

Ludmila: Anyways Goodnight.

Leon: Night.

Leon leaves the Hospital and drives to German's house to pick up the kids.

Knock, Knock

Federico: Hey Leon. Sorry about Violetta...

Leon: What Ludmila told you already!?

Federico: What? No..she didnt tell me anything...its all over the news.

Leon: Did Tini see it!?

Federico: No she was in Lena's room when the news were on.

Leon: Ok good..because i dont want her to worry and stuff..

Federico: Yeah i understand.

Tini: Daddy!!! I missed you!

Leon lifts her up in the air.

Leon: I missed you too Cupcake!(Smiles)

Tini: Yay im flying!

Leon puts her back on the floor.


Leon: Sorry sweetheart Daddy's hands are tierd today.

Tini: Daddy?

Leon: Yes?

Tini: Where is Mummy?

Heyyy Guyss💜 !!! Sorry for a late Update i had some stuff to do and i didnt have time to do a chapter so im really sorry... But i have some good news! In 8 days will be the last day of school for Christmas Holidays!!! So that means i will have more time for Chapters!!💕
Anyways Hope you liked this chapter please leave a comment and Vote!💖
Love you all😍❤💖💕
Next Chapter Coming soon 🔜

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