Its time to do it

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Violetta's POV:

I hear voices echoing my name...


Violetta! Wake up!


Suddenly my eyes rolls to the front and i open my eyes. My eyesight is slightly blury but i can see two people.

Leon and the doctor.

Leon: Violetta! How are you feeling???

Violetta: okay...

Doctor: Violetta, we will need to some tests about your health before the surgery for Abortion.

Violetta: Umm, okay.(rubbing her eyes)

Time skip:
10 minutes later.

Doctor: Ok, i have the results for the tests. And is looks like you have been having a poor diet, which means that you haven't been eating properly for the past few days and thats why you fainted. Violetta, even if you dont feel like eating, you must always eat something for your own good. Please listen to this and remember.

Violetta nods.

Doctor: Ok so thats done, are you ready for the surgery?

Violetta looks at Leon worriedly.

Violetta breathes in and out.

Violetta: Yes im ready.

Leon: Are you sure?

Violetta: Yes, im sure.

Doctor: Before we do the surgery i just want to point out something.

Violetta: Okay.

Doctor: This is just for your own good but next time when you will want to have your privacy and you are not ready for another baby, please wear a condom. Its a pity to kill a life. Even know nothing has developed fully there its still a shame. So try to be more careful next time.

Violetta&Leon nod.

Doctor: Okay then, now we must start with the Surgery, Mr Leon Vargas may you leave while the surgery is being done? The nurse will call you later when everything will be finished.

Leon: Okay, but approximately how long will the Abortion take?

Doctor:Well usually its about 20 minutes but Violetta will have stay here overnight because she will need to take some medicines and she cant move after the surgery.

Leon: Okay, i understand.

Leon leaves.

Suddenly Leon sees a crowd of doctors around a lady shouting from pain.

Leon gets distracted by a phone call.

Leon answers the phone.

*Phone convo*

Leon: Hi Ludmila, Everything ok?

Ludmila: Yeah everything is fine but im calling about Violetta. How is she?

Leon: She is having Surgery at the moment.

Ludmila: Ohh..

Leon: Ludmila?

Ludmila: Yes?

Leon: I need a favor from you. Can you help?

Ludmila: Well it depends , what exactly do you want?

Leon: Well if-

Ludmila: OH SHOOT!!!


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