Chapter 20

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Rain. How long has it been since it rained? You no longer know but as you all headed back to your new home, rain drops began to pour over all of you. It was cold and being wet didn’t help the situation but just watching those raindrops and colliding on your entire being calmed you down. 

The groups stopped and began to find a good place to camp while it rained, the least you wanted is to get sick. Sighing a bit, you helped out and at the end you all had to simply make a tent since there was no other place. Soon after you all ate something and decided to rest while some took turns to keep an eye open for any danger.

Though, it should be bothering you the fact that you were sleeping among males, it surprises you that it no longer does. To your right is Angel while  on the other side is Genesis, who had sneaked his way to your side while Zack and Axel fought to take that spot. The others went to sleep as well while Balthier took the turn of watching.

Soon the rain stops but by then it’s quite very dark so there was no use of keep going. Though Marluxia did show up and simply stared at Reno and Axel with a gaze of hatred. He woke the males up and pulled them away from the group to talk to them.

Said males raised and eyebrow while still rubbing their eyes. “What is it yo?” Reno asked yawning. 

Marluxia narrowed his eyes. “Since I joined your group I told you that[Name] seemed so familiar and...”He trailed off glancing towards the tent. “You said nothing. You know the answer, don’t you?” Finally he asked.If the two males were still sleepy, their eyes widened for sure upon hearing this. Reno attempted to get away but Marluxia stepped in their way with a glare. “Explain or I’ll make sure that she knows about this.” He warned the males. 

Reno sighed while Axel scratched his head turning his gaze to the tent. “It’s rather complicated. Got it memorized?”

Most of the time Marxulia  didn’t lose his temper but now, he couldn’t control the growl escaping from his mouth. “I’m not going to ask again.”

Now Reno pursed his lips and looked at the ground. “You will not belive it.” Finally he says looking up at Marluxia. 

“Just tell me, I’ll decide whether to believe it or not.”His expression did not change after Reno explained his reasons.

The two red heads look at each-other and nod. “Fine. If you want to know, then we will tell you.”

It takes a bit of time for Reno to start but eventually he does. “It...You know that story right?”

He starts with  a questions which irritates Marluxia even more. “Of course I do, what about it?” That childrens' story? Yes, he knew what they were talking about/

Axel stared at the pink haired male. “That story is true, that is her story.”

Marluxia laughs. “Please, I am not a child. That is indeed hard to believe so try something else.” As he turns around exasperated, he takes a few steps around before he turns sharply around and grabs Axel by his throat. “I want the truth, now.” His laugh is now gone.

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