Lady Fortune

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A few weeks have passed since Jongdae joined the football club and by now he is kinda used to things. He got accustomed to seeing Minseok change. Or rather, Jongdae has learned how to avoid these situations as best as he can. Minseok is usually the first one to arrive, sometimes fifteen minutes before the actual practice even starts. Firstly because he is usually the one unlocking the locker rooms and secondly because he is just really damn passionate about this sport. Another point on the endless list of things Jongdae really admires about Minseok. Jongdae has made it a habit to show up just before practice starts when Minseok is usually already changed and out on the court to warm himself up. That already spares Jongdae from half of the awkward encounters. The other half is harder to avoid. And also worse. Jongdae has quickly learned that Minseok won't let him ditch the shower after training under any circumstances, even if he has to practically drag Jongdae into the shower room himself. That almost happened one time and the memory of it still makes Jongdae's head spin. But since showers can't be avoided Jongdae just had to come up with ways to avoid taking them together with Minseok. He usually tries to be either the first or the last one in the shower. Whatever of these two options is better suited to making sure he won't see Minseok naked. By now Jongdae has mastered the art of getting off the court the second Minseok declares that practice is over for the day and they can go home to practically run into the locker rooms, change and take the world's fastest shower before Minseok even has his shirt taken off. Jongdae has also become quite good at making excuses as to why he wants to stay on the court for a few more minutes on the rare occasions where he won't be able to make it into the shower before Minseok. Usually Jongdae either pretends to want to do a couple more stretches or volunteers for helping with putting the pylons and whatever back to where they belong.

Of course, he can't always avoid the awkward shower scenes but at least he is usually not alone with Minseok when they do end up in the shower room together. Having the rest of the team around is both a blessing and a curse. With more guys showering at the same time things are a lot less awkward because there is always some kind of conversation going on. But it also means being surrounded by even more naked male bodies, which just so happens to be a thing Jongdae is into. Some of the guys on the team happen to be quite attractive and since all of them do sport regularly most of them are also rather muscular, but none of them compare to Minseok. They also make it harder for Jongdae to stare at Minseok which again has its good and bad sides. Good because it keeps Jongdae in check, bad because sometimes he really wants to risk a glance. But one does not simply stare at another guy's dick when at least five other guys are potentially watching. Sometimes Jongdae showers with his eyes closed. He has also grown very accustomed to taking cold showers now.

The other boys on the team joke about Jongdae's weird showering habits from time to time. But they joke even more frequently about how much of a klutz Jongdae is on the court.

One time he got hit by a ball because Jongdae was too focused on staring at Minseok stretching, especially since that particular kind of stretching involved Minseok bending over and trying to touch his toes. Another time he tripped over his shoelaces because he was distracted by Minseok running his fingers through his hair to get a few sweaty strands that were stuck to his forehead out of his eyes. And those are just two out of countless examples of Jongdae making a fool out of himself in front of his crush. At least Jongdae is able to take moment like these with a sense of humour. When he trips he is usually the first one to laugh about it, which has probably earned him quite a lot of sympathy points with the other guys. By now Jongdae gets along with all of them fairly well, which is good. He also gets along with Minseok, which is even better.

They even exchanged phone numbers and had one short private conversation once before Minseok added him to a group chat with the other members of the team. Also he asked him about his shoe size because apparently he had been serious when he offered to go shopping for shoes together with Jongdae.

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