A Series of Unexpected Events

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(Slight smut ahead, you have been warned)

The shower room is filled with the sound of moaning drowned out by running water. Jongdae has his head tilted back, eyes closed and back against the wall. His breathing is a mixture of panting and moans that spill over his lips beyond his control. Well, he also doesn't really try to hold back. There is no one else around to hear him. He's alone.

Alone and masturbating in the shower room. For once the water running over his body feels warm and there is no reason to hold back his lewd thoughts involving Minseok. For once it's alright to let his guard down. Then again, nothing about this whole situation is even remotely 'all right'.

He shouldn't be doing this. He knows that he shouldn't be doing this. But the training ended almost half an hour ago, no one else is here anymore and as long as no one sees him doing this it might just be okay. If a tree falls over in the forest but no one is around to hear it, did it ever really make a sound?

Also there is just something about this place that makes Jongdae's heart and thoughts race.

Maybe it isn't even that wrong after all. This is not the first time Jongdae does it while thinking about Minseok, actually he does that all the time. Every other day to be honest, usually he just doesn't do it in the shower room. But does the place really make that much of a difference? Does it really matter whether Jongdae does it in the shower at home or in the shower here? The outcome is pretty much the same. But something about this place just feels a lot more stimulating. After all, the fantasies mostly take place here.

He's usually thinking about Minseok slamming him against the wall or him slamming Minseok against the wall, both scenarios work just fine for Jongdae. Their lips clash against each other, warm water running over them, the kiss is almost drowning them but neither of them are bothered by that. Because kissing is more urgent than breathing is this scenario. Their hands traveling each others body restlessly, grabbing on to every piece of skin they can grasp. Because no matter how close they are to each other, for Jongdae it's never just close enough. He wants to feel Minseok with every fiber of his being. Wants to run his fingers over every beautifully defined muscle on Minseok's body. Jongdae has probably spent hours admiring Minseok's form. Everytime Minseok is busy doing literally anything that occupies him enough to not pay attention to Jongdae for a second Jongdae makes use of that second. Minseok has somehow never caught him staring, which is almost a miracle. Baekhyun noticed it once though. But he did do Jongdae the favour of just leaving it at a small joke.

Take a picture, it lasts longer

If Baehyun only knew how much Jongdae would want to do that. He has tried drawing Minseok from his memory, but that never really worked out. Jongdae is not a very skilled artist to begin with and he usually abandons his tries before they even have a chance to become mere sketches. Because something always feels off. To get a good picture he would need to have Minseok in front of him as he draws. He would need to draw Minseok like that dude from Titanic draws his french girls. But that won't ever happen so Jongdae has to make do with the mental image he has of Minseok.

An image that is more than enough to be the base of all sorts of fantasies. Most of them involving showers, dropping soap and rubbing body wash all over each other. As well as some less appropriate uses of the showering gel.

Suddenly Jongdae hears the door to the locker rooms being opened, Jongdae has left it unlocked, which he now regrets deeply. When Minseok had left earlier and Jongdae was still hanging around he just left the keys with him telling him to lock up once he's done showering. This has become something that happens quite regularly since on days where Jongdae's only option to avoid showering with Minseok is waiting things out he is often the last one to leave. By now he knows where to hide the keys once the place is locked up. But right now it's not locked and someone else just casually walked in to Jongdae masturbating in the shower. Well, for now, they are still roaming around in the locker room, but they surely noticed that there is someone in the shower room and it's only a matter of time until they will come here to check. It takes Jongdae about five seconds to jump up, turn off the shower, grab the closest towel and wrap it around his hips to hide his boner as best as he can. It probably doesn't do the best job at concealing everything but Jongdae just hopes that whoever is walking towards the shower right now will not inspect his crotch to closely. Jongdae fixes the towel just before the person comes close enough to see him. A silhouette appears in the doorframe and Jongdae's heart stops.

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