Bonus: Epilogue

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(I wrote this as a kind of small bonus chapter thingie to celebrate that the story has surpassed 100 views, which may not sound like a lot but to me it is. So enjoy some fluff^^)

Jongdae nervously fiddles with his hands in his lap, checking the time on his phone every other second. Time seems to crawl by way too slowly and he's still fifteen minutes early. But Jongdae just had to take the earlier train to get to Seoul. He couldn't stop himself. He already packed his backpack yesterday evening and this morning he got up even before his alarm clock woke him, which usually never happens. But he was just so damn excited for this. Because this time he can spend a whole weekend here in Seoul. Not just a few hours, not just one afternoon. He will actually stay a few days. Stay overnight. There really was no way he would have been able to take a later train, even if he now has to wait in some park for half an hour.

Jongdae tried to sit down on a bench and distract himself with something to make the waiting time fly by faster but he just can't really focus on anything when every person with short light brown hair he sees makes him almost jump up. And light brown hair isn't really a rare sight in South Korea.

He's so focused on looking out for light brown that he doesn't even notice the blond boy until he stops almost right before his bench to look down on him with a cheeky smile.

"Hey there, are you waiting for someone?", Minseok asks, a teasing tone in his voice and grin plastered on his face. Instead of replying Jongdae jumps up immediately, almost stumbles over the backpack he had placed between his knees and flings himself into Minseok's arms. Jongdae almost makes Minseok fall over in the process but he manages to somehow catch the overly eager boy in his arms. For a moment they tightly hold onto each other like one of them just came back from war and they hadn't seen each other for years. Minseok is the first one to let go again.

"Have you been waiting for long?", he softly whispers into Jongdae's ear while gently pushing him back again. Jongdae knows that Minseok doesn't really like showing too much affection in public so he usually tries to hold himself back a little, but after not seeing Minseok for like two weeks Jongdae just can't help but jumping into his arms. Because he is in love with Kim Minseok and he wants the whole world to know.

"I also just got here", Jongdae quickly lies and Minseok chuckles while ruffling through his black hair.

"Kim Jongdae, you're an awful liar", he says with a laugh. Jongdae flinches, then he quickly tries to change the topic and jumps at the next best possibility. 

"Your hair looks cool, when did you do that?"

Out of reflex Minseok touches his own hair, then he smiles.

"I dyed it last week, I've been thinking about adding some colour to it. I'm not sure yet, maybe some light pink or lavender or something. Do you think that would suit me?"

Jongdae looks at Minseok with big loving eyes for a moment, imagining his boyfriend with colourful hair, then he eagerly nods.

"You would look great with any hair colour", Jongdae exclaims and Minseok shakes his head, holding back a laugh.

"Sometimes you're like a puppy, that's really cute."

Jongdae puts on his most exaggerated pouty face but the way Minseok regards him with a roll of his eyes just makes him burst out into laughter. Minseok shakes his head at his childish boyfriend and waits for him to calm down again. Once Jongdae is finally done laughing he reaches out a hand to take a strand of Minseok's blonde hair between his fingers, the back of his hand slightly brushes against Minseok's cheek in the process and Minseok leans into the touch, almost unnoticeable, but Jongdae feels it and lets his hand linger just a bit longer than might have been necessary.

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