GraysonOur mother made sure that she taught us life skills such as cooking. Although I'm not a terrible cook I am nowhere near as talented in the kitchen as Gus, and because of this, he was excited to learn that Carter likes to cook as well through the last hour we've gotten to know one another.
A little while after the deal between Carter and Azaria was made, Carter called Claire and confirmed that the elementary students were coming at 5:30pm.
"Will you two also be willing to help out while the kids are here? I think about three quarters of their dorm has arrived today, so that means about 8 kids because they have more students to a dorm." Carter asked us pleadingly. I guess he isn't too good with entertaining kids, luckily Gus and I are pretty good with them.
Gus accepts for the both of us and asks what we're all doing for dinner if the elementary kids are coming at 5:30 because that's the about the time dinner is served at Sterling.
"Wow. I hadnt thought of that. I guess we could make something. We have dorm dinners some days. I guess this is one of them." Carter says. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gus get excited when Carter says 'dorm dinners' and already know he is eager to help. "Now I need to go and organize some stuff for tomorrow. So, its about fourish now so if you guys want to go out and see what's what around campus feel free, just please be back around 5:15, I'm counting on you guys!" Heading into one of the rooms down the hall.
"So, " Azaria says, drawing out the 'o'. "What do you guys want to do?" She asks, while standing up.
"Well we don't exactly know what there is to do here and even if we did we wouldn't exactly know how to get there...want to give us a tour?" I request.
"Sounds great. I'll probably only get to show you a couple of spots but lets go." Azaria says, heading towards the dorm door with Gus and I following behind.
I guess we're going on a mini field trip.
"So, I figured I might as well just show you guys what we consider to be our 'downtown' area, first. It is where the library is as well as the school store, a couple of cafes, and the gym." Azaria says pointing out each individual building. "If you're in need of some fun or socialization this is the place to go. It can get pretty busy between and after classes or on days where there are no classes." She concludes.
"So, is this where you spend all your free time?" I ask her while looking around at the 'downtown'.
"Yeah, I usually go there a few times a week to hang out with some friends and to catch up with Josh." She says pointing to the right. I follow her finger to the place she is pointing at and find a quaint café with a sign above the door that says, "Coffee Corner."
"All of this should be open either tomorrow or the next day. The only thing that is open now is the school store. But I promise you, once everyone gets here and gets settled in this place will be full of students." She states as a fact. "The places on campus aren't far from our dorm but they're not exactly close either. But exercise is good for you, isn't it?" She asks looking between the two of us.
"Um yes. Gus and I play soccer, we're probably going to try out for the team here. How about you? Do you play any sports?" I ask her.
"Not for the school." Azaria confesses. "I play volleyball with some students and advisors from around school in pickup games occasionally though." She adds.
"Oh nice. Think you have room for a couple more sometime?" Gus inquires.
"Definitely! Though they get competitive, so if you participate you best bring your A-game." She recommends with a smile.
Eat. Sleep. Prank. Love.
Teen FictionThe past few months have been chaotic for twin brother's Grayson and Augustus Wilson, along with their younger sister, Cameron. After the loss of their mom they were forced to go live with their father who has not had a big role in their life since...