Imagine // Cat Got Your Tongue?

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"Why don't you ever talk to me?"

You seemed to be the only one that could get past Murphy's abrasiveness, and you hadn't ever uttered on word his way. He wasn't even sure, it seemed everyone knew but him and no one would tell him. Though Murphy still wasn't even sure why.

So, finally Murphy had had enough and decided to just ask you. He'd gone to your room in Arcadia and stormed in. Murphy wasn't one for pleasantries, so he didn't bother knocking. And as soon as he made it inside, he'd asked the question he'd been dying to know. Murphy thought maybe you just hated him and refused to speak to him, and for some reason that terribly bothered him.

When you heard your door open and the familiar sound of Murphy's voice, you turned towards the door in question. Of course, you didn't respond and instead stared at him in mild amusement and shock.
Murphy sighed at your silence; "cat caught your tongue?"

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head at his lame joke. Turning to your small desk, you grabbed a pen and sheet of paper, bringing it up and writing something on it. Murphy watched with narrowed eyes, did the cat really catch your tongue? Or did you hate him that much that you couldn't even be bothered to utter something at him?

Once you'd finished writing what you had to say, you held the sign Murphy's way and his eyes grazed across, reading the word; 'mute' is somewhat messy writing. Suddenly realization flooded through him and he felt a bit awkward at his crude jokes. Rubbing the back of his neck, he paced slightly. "Oh... sorry."

You brought the paper back to yourself, scribbling something down.

"It's all good." Murphy read aloud, about to say something before you pulled the paper back to yourself. "Nice to finally meet you." He read aloud again, chuckling to himself afterwards.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too."

Author: justauthoring

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