4. Tyfoomer Bang

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     I open my eyes, the darkness was fading and the sun was raising, 'Perfect cover for me to ovoid everything'. I stood on my feet and saw Singe land with his mouth full of fish. I smile and walk up to him, I was moving slowly, my bones still aching from the other day.
     I stand in front of him, "Breakfast?" I asked.
     He smirked, "Ya sure," he turned to the edge of the cliff were Rose, Skor, and Razor stood. Each of the their mouths had plenty of fish, squirming and wiggling. You're mouth gasped opened wide, drool dropped from you're teeth, and they ran to you.
     You closed your mouth and smiled at them all, as you tried to ignore you're bones burning sensation.  There eyes shined, "Well a feast before you go," they said in unison. Your eyes watered as you hear them say this, my bones still burning.
     I crumb to ground out of strength to stand and out of strength to say anything. What was I going to do? I had to find Shade, but at this rate, I'm getting no where; literally and figuratively. My eyes dripped tears, Singe looked at me worried, my little brother worried about his big sister. It's suppose to be the other way around.
     He looked at me and slowly lifted me up onto his back, and slowly walked to the den. "Sleep!" He growled, and he bared his teeth; he knew he didn't scare me. He lowered his lips and said, "Just get a lot of rest, ok Glory." He walk toward the exit then stopped in it, "I can't loose you too," he said and flapped his wings into flight.
     I thought about what he said, I can't loose you too; then in popped in my head: our parents. He really loved our parents, did everything with them; after they died we didn't talk for weeks. But I could hear him crying and sobbing in the den higher then mine,  he never left his den.


     We jump off the cliff, Shade flapped his wings a with his eyes closed and was relieved to find out he was flying. He flapped his wings over and over hovering in place, he looked down at me slowly lowing altitude. "Glory!" He yelled, he stayed there, "Come on you can do it, dig deep!"
     I looked at him eyes filled with worry, but as he said that I looked away and flapped harder and faster. I was gaining the altitude I lost, and finally got to Shade who hadn't moved from his spot. "Thanks," you say out of breath.
     Shade smiled, "Thank you Glory, you pushed me to my limit. Now how do we move forward," he said looking around at himself. You giggled and smiled at Shade as he spun around trying to look at his tail.
     "Look," I said as I evened out my tail fins so they were flat and flapped forward. Gliding down and then flapped my wings, "You're gliding, and flapping!" You yelled back at him, stopping to hover in place. He looked at me and leaned forward and flatted his tail fin, he glided down and down until he got past you and flapped up.
     You dove down and spun downward, you roared and glide next to Shade who's wings were shaking. You started to move in, slowly getting closer and bumped into Shade. He looked at you and saw you were moving your fins to go left and right.
     He did the same and flew next to me, the sun raised into the sun when we were about to turn back. A ship came into view, one with an insignia that never came to our island before. But hey we weren't by the island, more like far over the ocean.
     Shade's black scales shone in the sun, I flew in front of him, so the ship would see anything off. Especially a Night Fury in the middle of the ocean. Shade saw the ship and said nothing in return of my action, just a quiet growl matching mine.
     The ships insignia was a dragon, a sword through the chest, I start to bare teeth as it slowly comes closer. About a mile away, I start to load my fire and Shade hits me with his tail. I stop and glare, "You'll never hit that one ship from this far away," he said trying to whisper.
     I smirk, "You sure, let's test it," Shade looked at me unsure of my question. I turn towards the ship again and load my fire. The tingling in my throat rose to my mouth and my eyes locked on the ship. I start to turn my head and fling in back as the fire shot from my mouth like lava spitting out of a mountain.
     The ship exploded and fire caught on everything, man ran to the edge and jumped into the water. "See," I said turning to Shade, "I told you..." he wasn't there, I looked down and I was relieved that he wasn't in the water. I looked left and right then the sun was blocking and I was hovering in the shade.
     Finally I looked up, a huge dragon flew over me, it's talons around Shade, as he lye limp in the claws of a Tyfoomerang. I growl as it hovers in place it's wings almost hit me, I fly backwards and get to the same altitude of the dragon.
     It's brown eyes stared at me, eyes burning, "Let my friend go," I growled at the huge beast.
     "Ha, what a joke; my Queen will smile upon my catch and a little Night Fury will not stop me." My blood boiled, a hiss escaped my mouth, "Oh I'm so scared, what you gonna do, scratch me!" It laughed as it flapped in place, you're hissing grow loader as the fire in you throat grew hot.
     The Tyfoomerang still laughed as it flapped in place it said, "You Night Fury's are so weak, with out the herd you're nothing more then a bug under our feet." My eyes burned, the scar over my eyes was red in the burning sun, "Get out of my way coward!" It yelled, my anger snapped and my flames escaped my mouth, as a bang rang out as it hit the dragons scales.
     It's skin steaming, Shade slipped from its claws and I dove to catch his. The Tyfoomerang dove down as well, I wasn't scared, if I didn't grab Shade she would get him. And if I did she would grab me, I could feel her eyes burning into my soul. I kept my eyes on Shade pulling my wings close to my body, like a bird of prey only I'm a dragon.
     He was almost in my grasp, his eyes snap opened and he sees the huge dragon falling behind me. "Look at me!" I yelled and his eyes snap to me, filled with fear yet still sweet and green, "I've get this!" He was so close to the ocean, I flapped my wings extant my claw to grab his.

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