2-Muddy Floors

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Torn Lace

Muddy Floors

I walked up the stairs, not a doubt in my mind that I was tracking mud along with me. Rain water was dripping from me onto the floor as I opened the door to my room. I needed to clean the mess I made. So, I went to my bathroom, looking in the mirror to see a messy figure looking back at me. My normally straight brown hair had mud caked in it, as well as on my side and up my arms. There were bruises forming just as I thought they would. I released a long breath of air, unzipping my dress and letting it fall to the floor. 

I made my way to the shower, getting in and turning it on. Little bits of rock and grass came from my hair, making me smile at the thought of all that happened tonight. I had been free, even if only for awhile, but still free. 

Once I was free of mud, I got out, wrapping a large towel around myself and went back into the part of my room that I sleep in. After finding my normal pajamas shorts, hidden beneath the silk ones my father thought were more appropriate, I slipped them on along with a baggy night shirt. I then opened my door, going downstairs to the servants level of the palace, looking for something to clean up the trail of mud I had made. I found what I needed, being spotted by a few maids in the process, and began the task.

This was going to be a long night.


"Miss Ellie, you slept in again." I heard Kayla, one of my maids, tell me. I rolled over, feeling the soreness in my arms, but not just from being grabbed by a freakishly strong guy from over the gate, I had been scrubbing up mud all night. It had dried and made it quite the task, causing my muscles to now ache with every movement. Then, I took in her words.

Oh no, I slept in again.

I sprang up from the bed, causing Kayla to give me a strange look due to my sudden grabbing of my hurting arms as I did so. I didn't care, being late for breakfast would only make my father angrier. Her still in the room, I ran to my bathroom and scooped up my torn dress and shoved in my closet, stuffed behind a large assortment of dresses that could easily cover it. Kayla didn't seem to concern herself with it, walking out of the room and leaving me to get dressed.

I quickly pulled on a light green dress I hoped my father would find acceptable for eating breakfast in and exited the room, hopping around and pulling on a pair of heels as I went. My brush was in my hand, moving through my hair and trying to make it look decent. I ended up handing it to a random servant wandering around, giving them the instructions to take it back to my room, and made my way towards the dining area.

I opened the door to see my father like I thought I would, sitting in his normal spot, talking to my sisters about how there was some trigger that went off near the gate last night, making my heart nearly stop. I didn't even know there was a trigger that could go off.

I took a seat at the end, my father and two sisters not seeming to care that I had bothered to show up. My sisters were the stunning blondes of the family, looking more like what my grandmother had when she was younger. And me, well, I looked like our mother had, having her brown hair and green eyes like my brother had also, just another reminder to my father of all that I had taken from him. But he seemed to be happy with his other daughters, taking after his mother's traits and his own.

"Did you sleep all right?" My father asked, watching me reach forward and pick up a pastry set before me.

"Fine, and you?" I asked while taking a bite of my food.

"Sadly, no. I was awaken by footsteps walking around last night. And I woke up to see what was going on and do you know what I found, Ellie?" I shook my head, hoping he wasn't about to say what I thought he was. "Mud." Crap.

"That's interesting." I said, taking another bite of my food. I heard him bang his fist on the table, causing me to jump in my seat.

"Where were you last night? Don't you dare lie to me, Ellie." He fumed, staring directly at me, daring me to give him a crazy story. I couldn't say it, my adventure being all I have of my little bit of freedom. Not to mention, saying anything could end my life. I sat back in my chair, hanging my head.

"I was mad, okay. You ticked me off and I just wanted to do something, anything that would make you mad. I knew going outside and playing in the mud would do just that. I tracked it in, knowing you would wake up and see it. After I showered, I realized it wasn't very princess like of me to do what I did. So, I went down to the servants level and got the things I needed to clean it up." I told him, saying the truth, just not all of it. I looked back up, staring into those disappointed eyes I was so used to seeing. "I'm sorry." He seemed to be searching every bit of me to see if my words were true. They must have been convincing because he didn't question me further, returning to his breakfast. My sisters did the same, taking tiny amounts of the food in front of them.

"Well, I have a meeting with the council this morning. I must be going." My father said as he got up from his seat. My sisters nodded and so did I, getting up with him and exiting the room. He went down the hall, I went up the stairs. I made it to my room to find Kayla, digging in my closet and pulling out the torn dress.

"Oh, i'm sorry. I was only trying to grab the dress so I could wash it. I didn't mean to seem as if I was snooping through your things. I-" I stopped her.

"You're rambling, Kayla. It's fine, the dress is covered in mud, it needs to be cleaned." I said.

"Okay then." She said, sounding relieved. "Anything else you need, Miss Ellie." I've told her many times to just say my name, there is no need for the miss part. But I wasn't in the mood to debate right now. 

"No, Kayla. That would be all. Thank you." I told her, turning towards my window as she walked out the door. I looked at the kingdom, the sun shining over it and having mud puddles from the rain last night. As always, my gaze shifted over to the gate, no longer covered in as many vines as it had before. They must have fallen off last night in my attempt at getting over it. But something else caught my eye as well. Someone was standing by the gate. It seemed obvious they were a guy, his build screaming nothing else at me but that. He wore a jacket, the very thing covering his face with a hood. Slowly but at the same time hurried, he reached up, taking a piece of fabric that seemed to have snagged on the gate. I became frightened when I saw that it was blue and probably from my dress.

He stuck it in his pocket, turning around and leaving the spot. I wasn't sure what exactly about him made me think he was the guy from last night, the one who let me go. Whether it was the mysteriousness that came from him or the way he held himself, I didn't care. But I was certain it was him.


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