4-Open Windows

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Torn Lace

Open Windows

It may have been midnight.

But it was probably three in the morning, and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep given my luck. Though I was drowsy, and my eyes felt like they would split in half if I kept them open any longer, I was fully awake and instantly wondering why.

And I was also questioning why cold air was hitting my face from down on the floor.

Turns out I fell asleep at the window instead of making my way to my bed. It's not like it's actually unusual; I use to do this a lot back when I first became curious about the gate, just falling asleep in that spot and waking up randomly later.

Back before my brother left he would watch the gate with me, but I don't really talk about that. Too many unneeded memories, my father says.

But I don't make my way to the bed, spotting movement near the gate as I get up.

It's a flickering light; fire, showing an image walking along the edge border of the wire fence separating us all. It seemed to be searching for something.

Then the realization hits me; he was at the gate again.

And without turning to logic for help, I made my way out the entrance of my room and ran downstairs.


I thanked Baxter -a guard my brother was good friends with many years ago- as he allowed me to exit the castle, the lie that spilled from my mouth on why I was in front of him at such an hour being believed by him somehow. 

"Just don't go too far, okay?" He cautioned. "I'd like not to fish a dead princess out of the water."

I had said that I couldn't sleep -which was true- and that I needed to go to an old pond my brother used to bring me to, him always saying it was mom's favorite place. He knew I had gone alone before, and at stranger hours, so he trusted me. And I felt tempted to actually do what I had told Baxter, not remembering the last time i'd been there since everything that happened.

But if I was right, this was a chance at talking with the person over the gate, to make sure he wasn't planning something. 

"Yeah, don't worry. I know what i'm doing." But really, I didn't know anything. I didn't know if the figure I saw was the one that had let me go. I didn't know if what I was doing was the right thing. I didn't know. "And please don't mention any of this to my dad."

He chuckled. "Wouldn't be the first time I had to hide something from the king." I heard him mumble under his breath. Then, he straightened up, realizing the words he spoke. "Uh, just um, please be careful."

I only nodded, silently questioning his first sentence and heading toward the direction of the pond.

Had I ever been able to meet my mother, I would have asked her myself why the small patch of water meant so much to her. But I can only go by stories. And since my father doesn't often talk about my mom, and neither do my sisters, I only have the memories of when my brother mentioned her, many times being at the pond.

I shook my head, trying to take away the depressing thoughts. I shouldn't be longing for my mother; she's dead. Nor should I want my brother; he might as well be considered dead.

But then again, who am I to judge, considering my actions recently.

Stopping a sob, I knew I was far enough away from Baxter to not be seen. 

The streets were so close, and so was the pond. I could see the reflection of the moon shining down on the water from where I was standing, the cool night air chilling me and making me question why I hadn't thought to change before coming out here, the decision to actually wear a nightgown tonight not turning into a good one.

Still, the night had the same free feeling about it as the night of my birthday, the gate calling me for more than just the excuse I was using to go over again.

I missed it, that girl I was that night. I wanted, needed that adventure. So, I looked one last time at the pond, whispering a quick 'I love you' to my brother, hoping it would reach him wherever he is, and headed in the other direction, the direction of the gate.

It seemed to be a shorter journey to the spot this time. When I got there, no figure could be seen on the other side, the darkness clear of any dull flame to guide my way. 

My only sources of light are the moon and the dim glow of a street lamp a good far length away from here, being both a blessing -due to my not wanting to be seen- and a curse -because I can't see.

Still, I reached a hand forward, touching that same cool wire I did not that long ago.

I'm an idiot, I decided moments later as I was climbing. I'm an idiot for thinking i'll get away with this a second time.

I landed on the ground, my feet steady unlike last time -yet I was wearing sandles this time, not barefoot and in mud- and this time I didn't slip and fall.

I was on the other side, again.

Letting out a large breath of air, I felt relieved that nothing horrible had happened, that same scared feeling forming a pit in my stomach.

And that's when someone grabbed me from behind, dragging me from the gate, and placed a hand over my mouth, muffling my half-hearted screams.


Dedicated to @ellierose112

Congrats on winning a Beginner's Luck Watty Award!

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