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Michael's POV

After breakfast everyone had to leave. Chloe had to clean up and then make it look like the kind of mess her parents would expect of her. I'm not complaining. I wanted nothing more than to get out of that house.

Now I'm in the car with Jeremy. It's not any less awkward but it can't become any more awkward. Can it? Yes it can.

"I don't think I like Christine anymore," Jeremy says out of the blue.

"Why not?" I inquire.

"I don't think she's really my type I guess I was just blinded by the image I had of her before I actually talked to her."

"That was deep, man," I say in my best impression of Rich when he's drunk. Jeremy laughs and punches me in the shoulder gently.

"You're a dork."

"And I'm a proud whale penis!"

"You're adorable," I hear him mumble. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. Nothing can prevent the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Um, do you think we could stop by my house? I wanna scope it out to see if my parents are really gone. Then I can be out of your hair."

"Uh, sure but you don't have to leave if you don't want to."

"I don't want you to have to worry about me."

"But it's no trouble. Plus, what if your parents get worse when they come back?"

"I'll deal with it then," I say harshly with my stare forward. Out of the corner of my eye I'm able to see the gas gauge. Almost empty. Shit Chloe, why do you have to live so far away? "We need gas," I mumbled, turning onto a different road so I can get to a gas station.

"You don't need anymore gas than you already have Michael," Jeremy joked awkwardly. He's trying to destroy the tension. I laugh anyway.

"I should stop eating those beans, huh?"

"Especially when you're around me. Your farts stink."

"Yours are no better!"

"At least I don't do it often!"

"Yeah 'cause you stink up the bathroom daily!"

"It's not my fau- how did we get on this subject?" Jeremy inquires, cutting himself off in the process.

"My gas gauge being low and you feeling the urge to bring up my gas issue. Speaking of gas, we're here." I pull into the parking lot. "Is there anything your house is lacking besides decent snacks?"

"I'm out of chips. And soda. I'll be back," he says before rushing out of the car and into the tiny shop attached to the gas pumps. I pull the car around to fill the tank. It's now that I realize, it fucking snowed last night. Welcome to New Jersey folks.

In the midst of my thoughts a thud sounds. I turn to see Jeremy sitting next to the car with a face of pure anger. He must've slipped on the ice. "Oh my god! Are yo okay?"

"A little shaken up but ye-"

I run over to the chips and pick them up. I turn to Jeremy with a face of hatred. "You monster!"

His face contorts to an expression of hurt. "Offended?" I chuckle before grabbing his hand and pulling him up. We come face to face with each other.

"Hiya Jere," I mumble awkwardly.

Jeremy just stays quiet. He's looking me directly in the eyes. A smile dances along his lips. Heat rushes to my face causing him to chuckle. "You're adorable Michael." He leans in and interlocks our lips. Without thinking I begin kissing back. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Jeremy pulls away all to fast. "Is the tank full?"


"The gas tank. Did you fill it?"

"O-Oh, uh, yeah," I fumble on my words but eventually get them out.



"I-I think I love you."

My heart skips a beat. "I love you too, but did you seriously have to say it outside of a gas station after asking if the tank is full?" I chuckle.

Jeremy laughs a bit too. "Impulses? I don't know."

"Let's get back to my place. I'm still mad about the chips though."

"Yeah I figured you would be," he laughs. We get in the car and start 'home'. About halfway there, my heart drops.

What about Christine?


As always, point out mistakes in spelling and typos. 'Kay thanks. I hope you're enjoying the book. Happy holidays my friends! I'm saying it now because I don't know if I'll get another chapter done until sometime closer to New Years. Alright peace out.

EDIT: Okay I realized they were supposed to head back to Michael's house but I forgot at the time of writing so I fixed it. Okay, NOW peace out friends.

Why is it so Wrong, Yet Feel so Right? (Boyf Riends)Where stories live. Discover now