"I Am Fighting"

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I practically ran out of school, God I hate this place.  I thanked heaven and hell that I was parked so near the exit.  I got in my car and swerved out of school with all the boys staring enviously after the car.

I didn’t go home, or to the garage like I usually did.  I needed to blow off some steam.  So many sluts, so annoying.  I was ready to punch someone so that's exactly what I decided to do.

“Hey Angel there’s a boy out here who wants to look around the fighters.  He has a pass” the boss of this area Bob smiled.  He was cool as long as there were no cops, then it was every man for himself.  I told him okay as a boy walked out from behind the door and smirked at me.  Oh yey, an arrogant, self assured, cocky, sexist, player by the looks of it.

“Hey sweetheart do you know where I can find the fighters, or we could just forget that and go back to mine” he winks.  Some fucking nerve he’s got.  I’ve been surrounded by these idiots all day.  I don’t need any more.

“I am fighting.  Make another whorish comment and I’ll be fighting you” I smirked as his mouth dropped. Half because I didn’t blush and fall into his bed and half because...

“You’re a fighter? HA! I thought this place was supposed to be tough, that the fighters had no mercy.  Of course they'll get mercy if they’re fighting a girl” he laughs.  I gritted my teeth

“Why don’t you stay see how much mercy we give out” I was seething now as I walked out.  Whoever I was fighting was in for a world of pain.

I climbed into the ring and saw a massive guy at the other end.  Thank lord.  I thought this was going to give me no satisfaction at all.  The man, Steel I think his name was, took one look at me and, realising who I was, opened his eyes wide in fear.  I turned around and let out a snicker.  This guys like 6 ft 7 totally ripped and he's scared of me.  I love that!!

“Opponents face each other” the ref yelled

“You can’t put them in a ring together it's totally unfair she’ll get slaughtered or he’ll not fight fair because she's a girl!” the dick from before yelled.  Everyone looked at him like he was mad.

“He’s new to this” I muttered

“I want a clean fight, Angel this means you” I saw some people in the crowd laugh knowing me.  Dick head was muttering about the angel thing.

“It’s been a long day, no promises” I grinned and the ref looked concerned for a minute before nodding discretely at me giving me a free pass.  My grin widened.

“3! 2! 1! FIGHT!”

I immediately struck out, playing offense rather than defence.  I punched and kicked till he was in a corner.  He leaned back into the corner gaining momentum to knock into me and send us to the floor.  He started hitting me as soon as we landed trying to get the upper hand, to get a blow, some daze an advantage but I wasn’t in the mood for handouts today.  I locked my legs round his and flipped him over so I was on top and landed 3 blows, face, stomach, and shin.  I stood up causing everyone to stare in shock.  I had him, but I wanted to fight, I wanted to work, I wanted to feel it when I won.  He got up too and advanced towards me and landed a kick to my ribs.  I felt one break and looking at him he knew it.  Okay now I'm angry.  I advanced on him spinning into a kick to the head followed by a jumping kick to the groin then retreated a plan forming in my head.  He advanced and hit my face and I felt the scratch across my cheek from the steel spiked on his gloves as I moved to grab his other hand and flipped him over lifting my leg so he knocked his head and was out cold by the time he hit the floor.  The crowd cheered and a gave a bow and grinned spat some blood out and left to clean myself up.  My brothers were going to have a cow when they saw this... and a sheep and a goat and a pig.

I tiptoed into my house, the lights were all off which I found odd usually they stay up to make sure I'm okay.  They were light sleepers though so I don’t trust them not to wake up.  I was all most to my room when all the lights turned on to reveal 5 very pissed off brothers.

“Sup bro’s” I smiled.  They all gasped and ran over to check my face.  They didn’t joke around and completely forgot about the anger as soon as they saw it. 

“Guys, it's a scratch get over it, the other guy looks worse”

“Who were you fighting” Cole demanded and the others looked at me expectantly.

“Steel” I smirked, dudes probably still out.  My brothers all gasped

“Steel as in number 3 street fighter in the world Steel, famous Steel, Steel?” they asked at the same time, it's freaky how they do that,

“Yup” they looked at me like proud parents

“I wish I'd been there to see that one” Max laughed

“How'd he do this?” Jace asked and the boys looked at me for our equivalent of story time

“I wasn’t in the mood for an easy fight” they all groaned for more details.  They weren’t getting any; they were going to work for this.

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