"Team Damie"

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You wanna know what you get when you put a picture of a boy on Facebook?  Let me tell you, you get 5 furious brothers stomping into a house that isn’t yours and trying to cause an argument.

“Cassie, I can't believe you”

“This is not how we raised you”

“I personally think it's hilarious”


“I’m gonna go with neutral because of the evils Cassies giving out”

“Okay one, don't be hypocritical after everything you've done you can't complain that I'm mates with a boy, two you didn't raise you adopted me when I was like 14, three it was hilarious so stop being moody and laugh at him, he's a goner”

“HA! I knew this would get you to speak to us again!”

“Seriously you went through all that to get me to speak you? You broke into someone's house looked through all the rooms, freaked out Mr. and Mrs. Grayson and got attacked  by Greta’s room, yelled at me just to get me to talk to you when I'm still gonna be pissed because of the threat to my car?”

“Yes, and we take it back about the car, we trust you with the boy” Jace grumbled

“We’re so helping you mate” Max and James grin at Damon

“YOU’RE WHAT?!” me, Jace, Cole and Kale yelled

“Oh come on, she's never shown this much attention to a boy before!  She's always all I'm only with him because then I can beat him in this fight or race, we’re gonna make her into more of a girl!”

“Are you gay?” I asked

“NO! We just find this hilarious” they say in sync again

“Well we’re helping Cassie in the whole teasing department if she ends up dating him that's fine but we’ll enjoy helping cause Damon hell while it lasts” the rest of them grin

“I'm not going out with him and since when do you all approve of me having a love life?”

“Sis, we’ve grown to accept that you are more like us then we’d like you to be in the innocence department, this makes you more innocent therefore we’re on team, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, team Damie” Kale grins

“What the hell is team Damie?” Damon speaks up for the first time

“You haven’t heard? That's the names people in school have given you because they are shipping you.  that picture you put online has been uploaded to your fan page too”

“We have a fan page?”

“yeah, it's full of updates about you 2 that's how we knew where you were, they're like paparazzi outside the house, and they're looking for ways to get you 2 together.  Nearly everyone in the city is on it.”

“Oh my God, that's so cool, you really are doomed babe” Damon grinned at me

“Don't call me a pig”

“So you’re on my side?2 Damon asked my brothers


“Wanna stay over too?”

“you got food?” Max asked. Damon laughed and pointed at the table flooded with Greta’s awesome cooking, it's a wonder Damons not fat from how awesome the food was if she was my cook I'd never let her leave the kitchen, the boys grinned.

“We’re staying” great.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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