Chapter 5 - Questions

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The feeling of being watched was unbareable, and she would have to wake up sooner or later. Slowly, trying to look like she had just woken up, Vickey opened her eyes. Rubbing them visciously, still trying to act the innocent girl who has just woken up.

Her first real sight of the man stood beside Nancy sent an odd shiver down Vickey's spine, he was intimidatingly tall, around 6 foot 4, his luscious chocolate hair was just long enough to cover his ears but not long enough to cover all of his neck. He wore a dark navy shirt with dark navy jeans to make and unusual match, his black leather shoeswere shinned so much that Vickey could see her dull, tired face in them.

His face had an odd way about it, his crooked smile look unfriendly but oddly happy at the same time, and the small amount of stubble around his chin looked like he had meant to shave but hadn't got around to it yet. His eyes had an wierd colour like a mix between hazelnut brown and green, the green a small swirl drowning in the brown.

"Hello Vickey, it's nice to finally meet you whilst you're actually awake" His voice was gruff, with smooth bumps when he pronounced his vowels, "I hear you know all about me..." His voice reminded Vickey of Nancy, the way he trailed off when expecting a reply.

"Sorry, you are?" Vickey voice still hadn't lost its sarcastic tone from before she had fainted, she was annoyed that it hadn't because, by the look of the mans face, he was not very impressed.


"I think you know who I am..." His voice trailed off again as if he was teling Vickey that she was going to give him an answer.

"This is Brendan..."Nancy had piped up this time, her voice re-creating the'i'm expecting an answer' voice, "You remember, I mentioned him to you..." again she trailed off.

"Oh, I rememeber, you said that he was the one who decided I shoud be down in the basement" Vickey could feel the anger rising in her voice, the sarcasm was increasing too. Brenden gave Nancy an awkward glance, Vickey could see the anger in his eyes too.

"Well," His voice had lost it's smooth vowels now, it consisted only of gruff, hard consonants."That is true, but Nancy has conviced me otherwise." His voice when he said 'Nancy' sounded like he almost wanted to throw up as the word left his mouth.

His face looked to Vickey, as if he was trying to calm himself down, his eyebrows relaxed and he began to take bigger breaths. " I have just come to say to you that my girlfriends here has been extremelly nice to you," 

"So that's why they live together" Vickey thought to herself, She could see Nancy's face light up when he said it, as if she was not very used to the words.

"But I will be out most days, and Nancy is not capable of doing lots at the moment." Vickey could see Nancy's face drop at what Brendan said, Vickey didn't have a clue what he was talking about. " so I don't expect you to take her hospitality for granted" and with that he walked out , flicking his hair as he went.

"Vain Idiot..." Vickey murmered as he slammed the front door behing him.


Vickey could see the look on Nancy's face, she looked like she was crying. "Are you okay?!" All the sarcasm and anger had completely vanished from her voice, Nancy lay her head in her hands. "Why are you crying?!" Vickey suddenly felt a mix of jealousy and pitty for Nancy, "why is she be crying, if anyone should be crying it should be me" Vickey thought to herself.

"I'm sorry," Nancy managed to murmer under her heavy breathing and tears, "I'm so, sorry" Vickey could hear her emphasis on the 'sorry', 

"What for...?" An strange urgency came from Vickey mouth this time, she felt almost scared. The tone of Nancy voice sounded like this was not some light hearted 'sorry about my boyfriend'.

Nacncy got up from her chair, trying to hide her face from Vickey as she left them room, locking the door behind her. "Why had she locked the door? Why was she sorry?" So many questions were floating around Vickey's head, but only one of them really made Vickey think, "What have I done?"

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