Chapter 2 - On the Run

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When Vickey awoke, it was morning. The light of the sun had long risen over the canal bridge and was now directly above her head. She could feel the blood still trickling out of her waist, the gash was much larger than she had first thought it had been, Vickey could feel it stretching right around from her hip to her stomach.

Her first thoughts were of what to do to stop the bleeding as the pool of blood surrounding her continued to grow. She would need to do something, and soon too. It was too big to just leave it - she'd have to go to the hospital.

Making her way to the hospital, Vickey was in to much pain to care about the fact that people might be looking for her, she just needed something to numb the pain. She got to the hospital, flung herself through the automatic doors before they had even opened half way and stumbled forward to the front desk. "I need a doctor!" was all that Vickey could say, gulping for air like a fish. 

"Name...." the receptionist said with a sense of dull urgency that no one but a receptionist could have mastered. Vickey hadn't thought about this. She had just killed someone, she couldn't say her own name.

" Emily, Emily Ryan." It was the only name she could think of, her old best freind. Before Eli, she had had Em. Em had sacrificed everything for Vickey, she had helped her through school, boys and had always cheered her up when she was feeling sad; Vickey had let her down. She got so close to Eli that she had forgotten Emily completely. Just saying her name made Vickey feel guilty, and now she had used her name illegally!

Vickey sat down on the hospital bed and cautiously showed the doctor her wound. The blood had begun to stick around the skin and a mixture of dirt and blood clots lined the tear in the skin. Vickey could tell by the doctor's face that the gash was deeper than she could have seen.

The doctor began to clean the wound, discussing how he would need to sew it up. Vickey really wasn't interested in the details she just wanted it done so that she could leave. After that, the only thing Vickey could remember was the doctor giving her some kind of drug to numb the pain. She had known this would happen, the minue that needle had pierced her skin, she was out. Out cold. 

When Vickey awoke again she was lying in yet another hospital bed, wires and tubes petruding out of her arm due to the blod loss. She slowly raised up her arm out of the bed sheets and lifted up her shirt to feel the scar. Smooth, was her first feeling.then she ran her fingers over the small stitches, carefully pinching at each, counting them. "Definately more than 20" Vickey thought to herself, by 20 she had got bored. Vickey could here wispers outside of her hospital room. She looked out the window of the white-washed room, to be greeted by the site of two policemen. Middle-aged, Vickey thought she knew one of them... "Crap!" It was her Dad. She really wasn't expecting him. 

Her dad had been a policeman for 12 years, she had grown up with him, away on duty, night shifts and police uniforms, but had completely forgotten about it when she really needed to remember it. She had to get away.

She ripped the wires from her arms, she didn't even care what they were there for anymore, she just needed to escape. She heard the beep of the machine in the corner of the room turn to a constant hum, she really didn't care. Vickey knew that the nurse would be in soon to see what all the commotion was about.

She jumped off of the bed, quickly got dressed trying to avoid the room's window, and barefoot began to run down the long corridors of the hospital. She could hear the shouts of the policeman and her father behind her, her breath was sharp and cold. Did her dad know it was her, he couldn't, she had used Emily's name.

She could hear them gaining on her, there foot steps echoing loudly, bouncing off the walls. The door was just down the corridor, she could make it. She would make it!

Vickey's hand reached for the exit, she pushed with all her strength and as the door began to creak open Vickey ran. She ran down through the car park, weaving through the cars and empty parking spaces and down the roads. She was losing them. They wouldnt follow her this far, would they?

She had to make sure. Vickey took a sharp right and then jumped into a hedge to her left, leaning her face up close to the branches. Watching, listening for her father to come running past. She could hear them, their heavy footsteps began to slow and she could see the dark figure of the other policeman right infront of her.

Her heart stopped beating, she could feel her blood pulsing through her head. She had to keep quiet or they would hear her, then they would take her away, take her to prison for murder! She could hear the heavy breathing as the shadow got his breath back, "Quiet Vickey" she thought to herself.

The shadow strarted closer to the bush that Vickey was hiding in, all she could do was hold her breath. It stood still for a minute, almost searching the bush itself, and then began to run ahead again. Vickey took her chance, shee had to run.

She jumped out of the bush quickly but carefully, trying not to make too much noise, and then ran down to the bus station. She would get the bus to Megan's house in the city. She would know what to do.

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