Chapter 10 - Nancy

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Yay chapter 10! This is my first official milestone for this story!So I would like to say thank you to all of you guys who have read, voted and commented on this story... which was the first one I published here on Wattpad! :) In a kind of celebration way, this chapter is going to be a little different. Well, enjoy x

- The door slammed. Nancy could hear the loud footsteps pounding and echoing down the cold, shining hallway. The dark, slate bricks that lined the wall were slippery and Nancy could hardly grip as she leaned onto them, out of breath and light headed. 

Nancy's hand was securely holding her large bump, almost convincing herself that it wasn't going to suddenly disappear as she ran. The footsteps were growing louder.

She could hear the slamming of the thick heeled boots that were chasing her maniacly down these everlasting hallways. 

Beginning to run again, Nancy's head felt even more lightheaded than before. The fear of hurting her baby was the worst feeling; the amount of energy and andrenalin in her body could not be good. The main thing that she didn't want to do was fall. If she fell then the baby could easily die from the impact.

"Nancy...." An echoing voice hissed through the air, sending threatening chills down her spine and a sudden urgency to escape once again. The long luminescent lights began to swing over head as she ran but Nancy couldn't tell if that was true or her eyes playing tricks on her. A door.

The crack of light made Nancy feel safe, She had somewhere to run to, somewhere to hide. She sprinted to the ajar door, pushing on it's heavy metal structure and sqeezing through the gap.

She could here the steps of her capture gaining on here and even after using up the last of her energy to push close the stiff, labourious door they still rung through the walls.

After collapsing in the corner of the pitch black room that she had now locked herself in, Nancy lifted her hands over her ears; attempting to block out the noises of her torture. Then, remembering her baby, replaced the back to her enfalted stomach.

Wanting, begging to feel some sort of movement from inside she lay her head onto the freezing walls and stared into the darkness at what she asumed would be the ceiling. 

She wanted to scream. To let out all of her emotions and feeling into the air, to let them float away but she knew that he would find her if she did. She didn't dare even whisper.

Curiosity began to take hold of her. Nancy soon found herself slowly standing up and feeling around the smooth walls for a swith of some sort to turn on a light, any light.

Eventually, finding a small chord which hung from the ceiling, she pulled the thin string-like fabric. As she let go, it began to swing, making a small clicking noise as it did so.

The light blinded her, only making her head feel more fuzzy as she staggered across the old, rotting wooden floor.

eaching out her hand for something to steady herself on, she came across a vertical metal bar that was oddly secure and trying to remember her journey with her eyes still adjusting, realised that it was right in the middle of the room.

After a few minutes of swaying, holding onto both the bar and her bump and letting her eyes adjust, Nancy could finaly see where she had locked herself into.

She jerked back from the grimy metal bar as she stared at the blood-splattered walls, stained wood floors and soiled sheets of the metal bed which she had just been clinging onto, literally for her life. 

A sudden pounding erupted on the enormous steel door, before stoping just as suddenly as it had started. The erie silence made Nancy feel uncomfortable and scared; he had found her, but how and what was he going to do now that he had found her?

The door swiftly opened as if it had never been stiff or heavy at all and the shadowy figure slowly began to tread across the pools of recent bloods and the stains of old ones too. Even though the figure was dark and enclosed in shadow Nancy could feel his smirk burning into body; she could see his glare evily boreing into her bump.

The figures arm lifted as he wandered into the light. The old knife that glinted in his gripped, sweating hand was also blood stained and as he continued into the luminescent, neon light Nancy stared at it's face.


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