Like the key to the gate keeping my mouth shut

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Dear Jinyoung

You know I always respected the power of words, the way they are able to create incomparable beauty and pain, the way just one word could change the whole picture, deliver the wrong message.

You can describe the same thing in so many ways, just the way you see it, to make others see it the same way, it's truly amazing.
Snow flakes for example. They can be glitter flying trough the air, putting a blanket over the tiered face of the world, letting it rest a little or cold needles attacking every body part that isn't covered, turning the world into a cold and unfriendly place.

To me words weren't only sounds we make to communicate, they were representations of our inner feelings, to show our world to the outside, to make others feel our happiness and pain.
And because I knew the power of words and respected it I was careful with speaking, always thinking trough, to not use a wrong word, to not deliver the wrong picture, to make everything right. But when I was with you I just talked, I didn't think about the meaning of each word, I didn't think about the picture the word could create, if it would express things the way I saw them, I simply talked.

And you understood.

You were like the key to the gate keeping my moth shut. And since you're gone the key is missing to. I often can't find the right words, can't even open my mouth, like someone put glue on my lips. Or I don't see the need in talking at all.

But sometimes, when I'm with Jackson, all the unspoken words from before escape my mouth, fly trough the air, fill the room. And he listens and smiles and talks even more.

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