Like an old photo

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Dear Jinyoung

I talked to JB and I forgave everyone.

I think I would've done the same if I were them.

Also I'm sure that Jackson didn't lie about everything, you don't tell your clients about you self-doubts do you?

But I still don't know how to approach him. It's weird, I don't know what of the things he told me is the truth and what not.
But nevertheless I forgave him.

Jaebum told me he didn't even take money for talking to me so I guess I mean something to him.
Talking to JB also made me realize how much of a prick I was. They all wanted to be there for me but I pushed them away because I was afraid they could leave. Stupid, isn't it?
I should cherish every second with them, as long as I can. Because when they leave I keep something from them, a shining memory, like an old photo reminding me of the good things in life.

You left me a whole photo album.

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