// black skinny jean bunch

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"Honey, come on eat up!" My mum said as I walked down the stairs

"Thanks for the sandwich, mum." I said as I stuffed it in my mouth and walked to the door

"BYE DALIA!" I heard my mum yell

"Bye mum!" I said back with a mouth full of bread as I left my house to walk to school.

I ended up getting to school about 40 minutes early. Even the bus wasn't here yet! I went to my locker and grabbed all the things I would be needing today. I wanted to be prepared. I started to regret wearing all black once again because I saw my bestfriend; Ella, stare at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell Demitri! Stop wearing all black and creeping around school, okay? You gave me a heartattack! I mean you're so pale for someone who lives in Sydney and your hair is practically white! You look like a freaking vampire!" Ella said as she jokingly slapped me on the arm.

Vampires. What the hell, they are freaking immortal. They live forever. I shook my head a bit to get rid of the thought of immortality from my mind whilst taking a shaky breath.

"Sorry El Bell!" I say with a sheepish smile whilst straightening out my black v neck shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit.

"Could we sit outside first? There's still a good 30 minutes before class.. And I really need to review for my calculus test later." Ella said as I briefly nodded and she dragged me outside

We sat on a patch of grass a bit far from the cars but close enough so we could hear the school bell. Ella immediately brought out her calculus notebook and started reviewing. This was why me and her were friends. We both were outcasts, we both studied hard and didn't associate ourselves with other people besides us. Ella is top 1 in our grade and I'm well 20th. That's still good, I mean for me. We were both uptight and serious all the time when it came to school work, but other than that she's been an amazing friend.

"Demitri, some guys at the far left of the parking lot are looking this way." Ella said quietly as she moved her notebook to cover her mouth as she spoke. I looked over to the left to see 4 guys standing by a car.

One was wearing an All Time Low band shirt and his blonde hair was quiffed up, one had bleached blonde hair and a red flannel on, one was wearing a plain grey shirt and his hair was blonde and curly, whilst the last one had a black shirt on and had black semi curly hair. They all were wearing black skinny jeans, much similar to the pair I'm wearing now.

"Who the hell are they?" I said to Ella as I turned to look at her

"Honestly Demitri, I have no clue. I think they are from our year, except the one wearing a grey shirt." Ella said as she went back to focusing on her calculus.

"Let's call them the black skinny jean bunch." I said to Ella and she hummed in response. The bell rang telling us there were only 15 minutes left till Homeroom so me and Ella decided to get going

"Hey Demitri! I won't be sitting with you at lunch today, okay? I have extra credit work to do for calculus. Sorry." She said as we were about to go our seperate ways.

"It's fine Ella. See you when I see you." I said with a small wave as I head to my Homeroom class

I went inside my classroom to see that it was still empty. I head to the last row and sit in the chair fathest from the window. Staring out the window does not help with my apeirophobia since I tend to day dream alot. Students started walking in and taking their seats making sure to sit by their friends whilst I took out my book which I got yesterday and I began reading where I left off.

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