Fuck the American government

39 5 32

[Repost of my Instagram rant]

The voting was aganist net neutrality.... I'm so mad rn!
Internet should be free for everyone! I hate American government! They have no right to ruin friendships and seperate families just because of their own selfishness!
I'm loosing friends because of it! Just because they want more and more money! Americans should fight, should protest, because this is a crime!
They're slowly isolating America from the world, and they have no right to do that!
Families are going to loose their only way of communicating!
Friends are going to break apart!
This is immoral, and so, so selfish!
I want to stop it, but I can't...
All I can do by now is protest.
Let's fight guys!
Let's fight for our lost friends!

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