Okay so my day was fucking bipolar (lowkey kinda vent)

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Morning comes and I'm tired as fuck and all I want to do is go to bed

Chemistry class goes by pretty darn well, I gave this one annoying dude a burn (figuratively) and I was able to sneak into my cellphone a lot

P.E. comes and my day is oficially shit, my teacher decides to do mixed teams, I'm one of the last to be chosen as always and get into the team of the most annoying guy in the entire class (at least my best friend was there) and since some teams had an extra member like mine, I spent 80% of the time on the bench because I'm useless and 20% doing shit on the field because I'm useless.

Nightmare P.E. is over, comes English, we watched a movie and it was great.

Then I get out of school, my mom picks me up because of the bad weather, I break an umbrella by accident when getting in the car and of course my mom gets pissed

I get home, we're already on better terms, I wait a little while she finishes the lunch, check my cell and the responses to my Abridged Project (I'll do a chapter on it later) are great.

I take a little longer on my cell, my mom gets pissed because I took "so long" to get to the table

After lunch, I go to my pc to work on the project, I laugh my ass off at Kano's plot suggestions and maybe my day isn't so bad

5pm, I get ready to go to school to deliver my exam application (today is the last day) and my mom decides to tell me most school secretaries close down before 5. I panic because I want to lass 11th grade ffs and end up calling school, where they tell me it reopens at 7pm and I can still deliver it then. Ofc my mom gets royaly pissed at me.

My mom is in a better mood later, but tells me I have to study Philosophy

And here I am now on the bathroom complaining about life.

S i g h

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